Graco SnugRide Click Connect 30 infant Car Seat

Graco SnugRide Click Connect 30 infant Car Seat

              Rated #6 in Car Seats
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7 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
85% Recommended
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I love this car seat. It is rated up to 30 pounds and 30" tall so we didn't have to scramble to find a new car seat right away. In fact, my little man just turned one and we still use this seat for him. It comes with a newborn head support piece which is removable. The canopy can be rotated to follow the sun. My all time FAVORITE part is the click connect base. All you do is set the seat down and it clicks into place. When your ready, you hit a button and lift! No seatbelts, no messing with straps. You can even buy an extra base for your other vehicles! It also clicks into the Snugride stroller as well. Our first seat we got, we found that the foam piece was broken when we removed the cover to clean it. I called Graco and they were super helpful and gave us a free car seat. All we had to do was send in the old one, shipping paid plus we got to keep the cover off the old one! The prints are super cute too

Love these snugrides I love these Graco snugride carriers for baby. Seems snuggly and snug and I feel my baby is protected and looks comfortable and is happy.

Wonderful car seat Wonderful car seat! I have had 2 of these one for each baby. I love how versatile and adaptable they are. I have the click connect jogging stroller and the lock in feature of the car seat is so easy and convenient.

Love it I have not complaints with the exception of the handle. I have this one for my grand daughter as well as another brand. I wish the would make a better grip handle.

Amazing carrier This is my absolute favorite infant carrier! Light weight, easy to install (base or no base), easy to adjust the straps and everything just everything about it is easy! All my children stayed/will stay in it until close to 1. Even by then they still have room to grow

Excellent value and durability I bought this car seat when I was pregnant with my first son and have been able to use it for my other two children as well. It's still looks just as good as it did when I first bought it. All three children loved it and apparently found it very comfortable because they all fell asleep in the car every time they used it. I love how lightweight it is because I tend to have large babies so not having to carry around too much extra weight with the car seat is essential to me. I do wish that the handle had some padding on it because once the babies get around 6 months of age, carrying them along with the seat can be really hard on your arms and hands. Overall, I am very pleased with the seat and the durability and value that I got from it.

Graco click connect snug ride 30 I personally hated my Graco snug ride 30. I have 3 children. My first two I had the Graco classic connect for them and loved it. I thought I was done having kids and gave away all baby stuff. My daughter was a wonderful surprise a few years later. My aunt had bought me this car seat. I did like how light it was. I hated the way the fabric felt. It was rough and scratchy. I hated the way the canopy wasn't connected. Only by an elastic band type thing which always slipped and made it difficult to fold and unfold handle bar. The adjustment for the straps that is usually in between baby's legs in front was in the back. It made it very difficult to adjust because you couldn't do it with baby actually inside. It was hard to get straps even having to do it this way. I also feel the straps were either loosening on their own or because the adjustments were in back with a bright shiny metal piece my other kids kept messing with it and that was how the straps kept getting loose. Either way it was the most inconvenient car seat carrier ever. It was also very confusing when it came time to get stroller because Graco has two separate forms of click connect and they are not all compatible or interchangeable. I ended up getting into an accident. I will say the car seat did it's job. My daughter 4 Months Old at the time had no injuries. I'm very grateful for that. I was required to get new car seat after accident and I had never been so relieved to get rid of something. I did more research before purchasing the replacement seat. I went with Chicco key fit and there is a world of difference. It's so much more convenient and simple. All parts are durable and easy to understand. I feel much more comfortable with this car seat and it has met my needs better than the Graco click connect 30. I will say during researching for replacement I was impressed with the click connect 35. It would have been my next choice.