Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush 2-in-1 Toilet Brush

Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush 2-in-1 Toilet Brush

              Rated #101 in Cleaning Supplies
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11 Reviews 3.3/5 stars
72% Recommended
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The product did clean the toilet but I thought I might get 2 uses out of one pad and be able to do the other toilet also but that didn't happen. I will not buy this product again was a waste of money and not very environment friendly.

I've never felt that scrubbing bubbles does anything at all, in any form. For toilets, I would recommend the toilet wand by Clorox.

Didn't like this scrubber brush as much as other brands. The shape of the scrubber is a bit awkward, and if you try to get up underneath the rim there is a good chance you will knock the scrubber completely off of the handle. That being said, it is a ton better than using a regular toilet brush. (I hate having those yucky germy things in my house.) I would shop around though and find a brand that is more stable than this one.

I like that it cleans the toilet but it seems like a waste of money, replacing the head every time you clean.

Cleans very well,leaves your toilet sparkling. However you can only get a limited amount of uses per sponge.

I like this but I also don't like that I cant get through two toilets with one scrubby. I do not like that the rough scrubber brushes are non-flushable but I do like the other ones that are flushable. Its quick and easy to clean a toilet and I feel like it leave fewer nasty germs around.

It didn't have the strength to handle my everyday cleaning, as we have four toilets, but I like to keep it handy for guests.

I actually really like this one. I didn't have to touch the head or anything, which is good if you have little ones. It comes with a caddy, flush able paper looking heads that have a citrus smell, and two heavy duty scrubby heads. They scrubby heads are better for bathrooms you use every day. The paper ones smell really nice but don't really cut it sometimes.

I'm a huge fan of Scrubbing Bubbles. They work great with our hard water, and have a great scent that lingers after cleaning but isn't overwhelming.

I love this product. I hate having my toilet brush just hanging out it the bathroom. I don't think that it is very sanitary. I love the 2-1. It is no more of a less friend to the enviroment than toilet paper since it degrades in the toilet. I buy it all the time and if you go to you can join and get coupons for it

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