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#SheCelebrates Holiday Blowout, Day #5! Win a Beis Weekender Bag

on Dec 12, 2023: This would be great to pack my things for a quick getaway to see my nephew who is due any day! He is my first nephew so I am excited for him to be born! I could stash all my snacks in it for the trip or my crochet stuff.

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#SheCelebrates Holiday Blowout, Day #3! Win a bottle of Veronique Gabai Perfume!

on Dec 12, 2023: I would love to be able to get a new perfume! I love to be able to smell nice. This would be amazing.

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#SheCelebrates Holiday Blowout, Day #4! Win a Lululemon Belt Bag & Stanley Mug

on Dec 12, 2023: This would be great to win! I drink a lot of water throughout the day and I have recently found my love of Water Tok and it would be nice to own a Stanley to keep my water nice and cold. As for the bag it would be nice for me to put my phone in when I go for walks around my neighborhood.