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My Reviews (18)

Princess Bride Movie

Princess Br… Rating

Your rating: 5.0

Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte

Starbucks P… Rating

Your rating: 5.0

My Comments (25)

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Enter Our L'Oréal Paris #MagicNude Giveaway!

on Oct 01, 2013: Moisturize daily!

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Snooping On Your Spouse

on Jan 11, 2011: I guess I come at it from the mindset that when you're married you're one....and they were still married in the eyes of the law. I think that a felony charge is a bit harsh. I agree with the other comments--there are other crimes/real crimes that money and time should be spent on. Not something l…

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Will Taxing Soda And Pizza Solve The Obesity Epidemic?

on Apr 14, 2010: I think that taxing pizza and soda is such a shallow "solution" to obesity. The obesity problem does go a whole lot deeper than just this. I think that people who like to eat pizza and soda, whether in moderation or in excessive amounts, will still eat it. I love pizza (in moderation), and I don'…