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My Reviews (2)

Dunkin Donuts Coffee

Dunkin Donu… Rating

Your rating: 5.0

Coca-Cola Coke Zero

Coca-Cola C… Rating

Your rating: 5.0

My Comments (4)

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A Wrinkle In Time Makes Nine

on Dec 22, 2009: I think it's a combination of women worrying more than men and society as a whole beign more accepting of cosmetic treatments for women. Men don't look old they look "distinguished" where as women just look like old hags. So I understand women being more likely to use creams or get treatments. …

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Kids Scale Back For Santa This Year

on Dec 22, 2009: Hopefully this will have a positive impact on kids and help them to be less present hungry during the holiday's. When I was young the holidays was about spending time with family and friends. We didn't really get a lot of presents and I don't think we were any worse off for it. I think it's a g…

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NBC's Today Show Producers Share Advice For New Moms

on Dec 22, 2009: Sounds like a great book. I think I might get it for a couple of my friends who are expecting. We are a few years out from having kids but I already think a lot about if I want to work or not after I have them.