Have you already decided on who you will get your vote in next week's Presidential election?

The election for US President is right around the corner.  Some women have been very vocal regarding their decisions for whom they will vote, others are still undecided.

We are curious, have you made your decision yet?  Has one of the candidates won your vote already?

Yes (90.4%)

No (9.6%)

Have you already decided on who you will get your vote in next week's Presidential election?
  • stephr By stephr
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    I will vote for obama. When he speaks it sounds sincere. He may not do everything perfect, but I think he will be good for this country.

  • bonzimmer By bonzimmer
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    I'm afraid of what will happen if Obama becomes president. I already voted for McCain

  • Salemsw By Salemsw
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    MCCAIN here Obama has no experience --he makes a liitle nervous

  • Salemsw By Salemsw
    on Nov 01, 2008  


  • happy2 By happy2
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    Why do people keep stating that Obama has no experience, MCCain has never been the president either, so my vote goes to Obama.

  • annemarie By annemarie
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    McCain and Palin ticket for me. Obama has a lot of associations with some bad practices. Fannie Mae, William Ayers, to name just a few. I have a child in the Military and a nephew on the front lines and I want to keep them safe. If people really bothered to listen to the "change" that Obama is supposedly going to bring they would chose otherwise. The only "change" he is going to bring to the US is to make us a socialized country. Look what happened to England. As for Palin, what a breathe of fresh air. Look at the wonderful things that she has done for her state of Alaska.

  • hubbelld By hubbelld
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    Obama is the only choice for me!

  • kms1287 By kms1287
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    Voting for Obama here, the middle class needs a break....

  • Shaunda By Shaunda
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    Spreading the wealth around is not just for those on welfare who don't work. By thy way, most of them do work it is a requirement. However, minimum wage doesn't help you to live a life worth living when your bills and necessities outweigh your take home pay. Of course, like in all groups there are those who try to beat the system. Anywayz, my point is my husband works at Mercedes and he just received a letter offering a separation package to those who volunteer to leave. We can't afford to take that chance. We work hard to pay bills and take care of our kids. We don't qualify for any help nor are we rich. We need change and help. There are a lot of people like me, who don't qualify for welfare or want it. Yet we have to make the choice between bills, doctor visits, food, and gas. We haven't been living-- just surviving! I say vote wisely!

  • marksbabydoll By marksbabydoll
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    I am voting for John McCain and Sara Palin 100% with no doubt in my mind. Things are hard now and we do need change, but we need a leader that will tell us what that change is and will come through on his promises and McCains record proves that! I am really tired of hearing about how horrible George Bush is when congress is the one who decides everything I 'm also tired of the liberal media and celebrities pushing their opinions on everyone. I can say that with no doubt in my mind that if Obama is elected it will be within 6 months of his first term that America will see how big a mistake they have made. On the other hand if Obama does lose I am fearful for the riots that are threatened, since when should a president be voted for by the color of their skin? America is made of many different cultures and skin tones and that is what makes America beautiful it's when we are foolish and make uneducated decisions that we hurt eachother instead of looking at the big picture!