How are you treated by salespeople when shopping for personal/home electronics?

Salespeople have a range of personalities.  However, women often feel that they are not treated with enough respect by salespeople when purchasing electronics such as TVs, computers, etc. 

What has your experience been?  Do you feel that you are treated with respect by electronics salespeople?

Poorly - I'm ignored or patronized (15.5%)

OK - I'm treated alright, but could be better (57.3%)

Well - I'm treated respectfully (27.3%)

How are you treated by salespeople when shopping for personal/home electronics?
  • rpostonfl By rpostonfl
    on Oct 21, 2009  

    When shopping at Walmart it is very hard to find someone to help. When I shopped at Best Buy the salesperson said they were out of a certain printer, but I did find it later on the endcap. I also needed some information about my mouse that did not work and was told to call the geek squad sounds like a computer problem. I replaced the mouse and keyboard and everything worked fine. Hard to find good help.

  • prettyevil6662000 By prettyevil6662000
    on Oct 21, 2009  

    The employees are usually so poorly versed in electronics (or even where specific things in the electronics aisles are located at) that I don't bother with them. If I'm making a big ticket purchase (or usually even a small one) I know what I want, or have a few things in mind to compare prices on. The internet has made the employee obsolete for me, but it's nice when they're polite, not pushy and are able to help you out when you need it.

  • prettyevil6662000 By prettyevil6662000
    on Oct 21, 2009  

    Oh, I forgot to add, when I was shopping for a netbook to use as a work computer, the person at Best Buy started talking to my boyfriend instead of talking to me, even though I was the one asking the questions. Both he and I are well versed in computers (building, taking apart, modifyng, etc) and I felt more than a little slighted to have him ignoring me and even talking down to me when I pointed out a computer he said had x amount of storage actually had y amount.

  • saphire77 By saphire77
    on Oct 21, 2009  

    Depends at where I shop, if I am at Best Buy they are all over me like flies but at Walmart it is like I do not exist.

  • CaTzEyE By CaTzEyE
    on Oct 21, 2009  

    Majority of the time it seems I run into sales people that are rude - especially at Wal-Mart. They seem to get annoyed when I have my children with me.

  • tammiekrug By tammiekrug
    on Oct 21, 2009  

    depends on where i go how i am treated, it is usually ok. SOmetimes the totally ignore you and i have to go looking for them

  • srouseau By srouseau
    on Oct 21, 2009  

    I go into stores looking for a sales rep to approach me. Sometimes they do sometimes they don't. I hope for the best each time:)

  • texas61 By texas61
    on Oct 21, 2009  

    Poorly, I have been in retail 30 yrs. Customer service is not what it use to be. People should be aware who pays there pay checks.

  • dmay1983 By dmay1983
    on Oct 21, 2009  

    It really depends on how I am dressed, when I have time in the morning to put my make up on and fix my hair in other that a ponytail I get alright help, but if I leave the house as a very busy mom with ketchup on my shirt..... not so much help. It really shouldn't matter my money doesn't descrimnate.

  • linny09 By linny09
    on Oct 21, 2009  

    when people are polite I feel comfortable to ask questions.