Do you think universal health care will improve the quality of health care in the US?

Universal health care is the subject of furious debate in the Federal Governement, the media, and across the country.  Supporters of universal health care believe that it will improve the the livelihoods of individuals and control costs, while detractors believe that it will limit choice and be a financial burden. 

Do you believe that it will improve your own health and that of your family?  Please tell us what you think.  We want to know!

Yes (38.9%)

No (38.0%)

Not Sure (23.1%)

Do you think universal health care will improve the quality of health care in the US?
  • Ireland24 By Ireland24
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    It is just not right for our government in this economy to be reaking with benefits because they are "important" people that they deserve better than everyone else. I have health insurance but my sisters oldest daughter can't even get it and she has some severe medical issues that are in turn very expensive. And for me to pay taxes even more for people who perhaps deal drugs or some other form of crime or violence just isn't good fo rour government to support.

  • irishlass0306 By irishlass0306
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    I retired after selling a restaurant business. I have rheumatoid arthritis and have been turned down for health insurance because of this. This is wrong and I believe Universal(single payor) health insurance would greatly benefit me, as now I can't get health insurance without spending a fortune. I have some savings but don't want to go broke in a few years spending it on overpriced health care so some insurance billionaires can finance yet another vacation home.

  • averagemom By averagemom
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    It's been tried in Canada and is a huge nightmare!

  • alenny By alenny
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    I am a nursing student, and I really hope healthcare in this country gets better. Nurses do the best they can for what they are paid, but it is terrible to see people suffering and unable to get the help they NEED because they don't have insurance.

  • spicevalley By spicevalley
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    The cost of health care in this country need to be addressed but the plan presently under consideration does nothing to curtail cost. We have a Canadian friend who is legally blind because he had to wait 6 months for treatment, so that plan isn't anything we want. The government never has successfully run a program, what makes anyone think they could run health care. Besides, if the plan Congress wants for us is so great, why won't they all sign up for it?

  • songlark By songlark
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    I am on the fence about how I feel about health care reform. On the one hand I do believe that something needs to be done but I agree that the current administration is not giving out any specifics. I think this may be because they are still trying to figure it out themselves! I work and have great insurance for the most part. My only issue is for the copays for the meds that I take. I have to take t hree different eyedrops for glaucoma each month and the copay alone is $90! Something must be done to bring down the cost of medications. The pharmaceutical comapnies are the biggest crooks if yo ask me.

  • dcdm2007 By dcdm2007
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    I believe that if health care is provided for everyone it will have no choice but to improve due do people never being satisfied. So if more people have health care there will be more people fighting to improve the quality of the care that they receive.

  • Lusadi By Lusadi
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    Remember that with universal health care comes poorly run government programs and massive tax increases. Not only does the whole concept go against the framework of our Constitution, but I do not want to be paying 60+% of my income in taxes to cover everyone.

  • lwalsh143 By lwalsh143
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    We need to look at states such as CO and AR who have already proven there is a solution to the problem without the federal government having all the control. I like my freedom and the ability to make choices in all areas of my life including my healthcare.

  • veronica09 By veronica09
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    I don't think that universal health care is a good idea. I do think that it would be a great idea to restructure health insurance companies. Here are my ideas: 1. Health insurance companies should be required to be nonprofits. 2. Health insurance company CEO's and administrators should have salary caps. 3. Any "profits" should be placed in an account that is only for the benefit of those that are paying premiums. 4. There should be very little restrictions on health care service providers such as doctors, hospitals, etc. unless there is a concern for the safety of the public or there have been excessive disciplinary actions taken against the health care provider(s). Contd...