Have you ever critiqued someone's parenting?

‪What spurred you to speak up? How did the critiqued party receive your feedback?‬ Would you speak up again?

Yes (77.1%)

No (22.9%)

Have you ever critiqued someone's parenting?
  • ddsisel By ddsisel
    on Apr 11, 2011  

    Wish I hadn't!!!

  • Ladyreese By Ladyreese
    on Apr 11, 2011  

    I believe the incident was when my niece was about 2 or 3 and was playing behind a chair at her grandparents. I said something to both her mother (my ex-sister-in-law) and my ex-father-in-law about her playing there since there was also an outlet that was not covered with a child-proof plug. Both brushed me off and several minutes later, my niece put a fork in the outlet. Fortunately, she received a light shock but it could have been worse! I mentioned that they needed the childproof plugs later reminding them that the situation could have been worse. How was that received? They told me that I didn't know what I was talking about, claimed I put the idea in her head and now you know why we're EX-in laws!!

  • dannyswife3411 By dannyswife3411
    on Apr 11, 2011  

    I told my neighbor to put warm clothes on her baby. It was cold out and the baby only had a onsie and socks on, the mom had on sweats and a hoodie. I told her obviously if it was cold enough for her (the mom9 to wear sweats and a hoodie, then it was cold for the baby too.

  • msfriendly By msfriendly
    on Apr 11, 2011  

    Yes....but not to their face! That wouldn't be good!

  • girl17 By girl17
    on Apr 11, 2011  

    YES! I totally became one of those parents who criticized another because her child was kicking and pushing the other kids in the jumper! I kind of felt bad but at the same time somebody had to speak up and stop the bad behavior before someone got hurt.

  • jdoman By jdoman
    on Apr 11, 2011  

    I witnessed a mother belittling her preteen daughter in a restaurant. Even smacked the girl. I had enough and approached the woman and quietly told her that she made me sick and that if I could, I'd have her arrested. I am unable to have children, so when I see people treating their children that way, it infuriates me.

  • tartan94 By tartan94
    on Apr 11, 2011  

    I try to do it less and less, lest I be critiqued!

  • brittleeperkins By brittleeperkins
    on Apr 12, 2011  

    I work at a convenient store in a high drug use area. You would not believe some of the children that come into my store. Their parents always have enough money to buy their marlboro's are newports, which run about $6 a pack, and they have enough money to buy their beer. However when these babies, who the majority of are malnourished, ask for something to drink or eat they get screamed at, slapped, and humiliated in front of everyone else. I am 22-years-old and my boyfriend and I pretty much have six children we care for, only one of them is ours. We do not have custody of any of the others, but their parents are to doped out to care for them and they all kind of migrated toward us. We deal with a lot of heart wrenching details, we worry when they go home and we don't hear from them for a few weeks. We usually end up getting phone calls at 3 in the morning to go and pick one of them up from a scary situation.

  • brittleeperkins By brittleeperkins
    on Apr 12, 2011  

    These kids pretty much live with us and spend the night with their parents every now and then. What's really sad though... is all these kids want is for their parents to love them and they'll sometimes call for a month before they can get up with their moms or dads... and when they finally get a phone call through their parents are too busy or too tired to talk to their kid who has been "vacationing" at our home for months.... so yes... I frequently criticize people's parenting.

  • adj333 By adj333
    on Apr 12, 2011  

    I do indeed. I try to keep it to myself though.