What's on top-of-mind for your these days? UNPUBLISHED

News headlines have been focused on the new healthcare plan and the swine flu lately, among other important issues such as on-going economic problems and recent natural disasters in the South Pacific. 

But, home is where the heart is, and our minds are also focused on our own personal well-being as well as that of our family.

What has been on your mind lately?  What is keeping you up at night?  We want to know what you’re thinking about these days!

The president's new healthcare plan (0.0%)

My kids and their well-being (0.0%)

My family's' financial situation/jobs (0.0%)

World events and issues (0.0%)

The upcoming holidays (0.0%)

H1N1 virus (swine flu) (0.0%)

What's on top-of-mind for your these days? UNPUBLISHED