Pampered Chef Mini Spatula

Pampered Chef Mini Spatula

              Rated #2 in Kitchen & Cooking
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449 Reviews 4.8/5 stars
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excellent i love this spatula

I love this spatula. It is great for brownies and cookies. It makes getting things out of the pan very easy.

Reasonably-priced, durable, and dishwasher friendly....Pampered Chef has superior products and really out-did themselves when they made this product. It is so easy to store, carry, and transport anytime I need to throw it in our picnic basket when we are on-the-go.

This was the best investment I made 13 years ago! Mine is still in great shape. I also make sure that any wedding shower I attend this is included in the gift basket to the new couple!

The best little spatula there is. Perfect for brownies or anything.

I have had this a few yrs and I love love it. Great for my cream cheese cookies and actually any small delicate type of cookie. Also great for removing bar cookies and shortbreads.

The edge of the mini spatula is so sharp there is no need to dirty a knife. Awesome size.

I don't own a lot of PC products but this one I could not do without. It easily gets brownies out of a pan, cookies off a sheet and can also be used for cutting brownies or rice krispie treats while in the pan. It is lightweight but so far, it has held up well and is used often.

Love this thing!

This is a cute tool to have handy for those little meals and those who are just wanting to have fun in the kitchen.

I want to get one...

I love this little spatula from Pampered Chef. Great size for small bar cookies or brownies. You can even cut bar cookies with the end of the spatula. Nice size for small jobs. This is one of my favorites.

This little spatula is the perfect size for getting brownies out of the pan or cookies from a cookie sheet. I love it !

I am just not a fan of Pampered Chef products. I love to cook and take a lot of care to equip my kitchen with stuff that will work well and last! This spatula is effective, and I use it when my better spatulas are being washed, but I personally found it a bit light and cheap to be a "go to" accessory in my kitchen.

I love my Pampered Chef Mini Spatula! My mother ordered this for me and at first my thought was, I don't need another spatula. However, I am now happy I own this. My days of jagged edged brownies is in the past. The handle is well made and sits nicely in your hand. This is not a flimsy item. you will not regret buying this!