The Help Movie

The Help Movie

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645 Reviews 4.8/5 stars
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A wonderful story that shows the dynamics of several relationships, primarily amongst the home owners and their help; also the help amongst themselves. The movie takes place in a time where there is still segregation. It also shows a distinct variation in perspective amongst generations. I enjoyed it, movies like this carry with them the writers beliefs and morals, I believe they share a part of them with us through their characters allowing us the chance to relate. If you haven't seen it, it's worth the watch!

I thought this was a delightful movie ! I think I was big pregnant the first time I saw it so of course I bawled & laughed sometimes at the Dame time haha ! It was a good movie for the whole family even the teenager's liked it . There wasn't a bunch of cussing & killing or sex scenes which was a nice change ! Excellent actors & storyline as well !

the help was a great movie i love the drama and comedy in this movie. It did make me cry and a great movie would make you cry and laugh at the same time and the movie help did do all that

This movie was a great movie. I have seen it now three different times and I am still in love with it.

Ok I really enjoyed the book and movie was good too! But reading what others thought about how people felt that was overly dramatic well unfortunately if you did not grow up in South then you will never understand that is how it really was for some people during that time period! Over all the movie made me cry,laugh! I must say I enjoyed reading more but Minnie was my favorite! This will be a movie I will watch over and over!

This movie was great ! I didn't read the book because I was afraid I'd be disappointed. After seeing the movie I had to read the book too. So glad I did !

I love this movie! I read the book first and though hard to compete with, I think the makers of this film did an excellent job bringing the book to life. What was most surprising to me is how much my husband enjoyed the film. He is not usually the "girllie movie" type, but he thought the movies was great too! He said it actually reminded him of times in his own childhood that he was able to connect with.

This was heart warming and well written

Wonderful movie; I enjoyed the book as well. I loved the historical info woven into the story line. My husband liked the movie also.

This is such a great movie with an amazing story line. I have seen it a few times and it was just as good the second..and third...and maybe fourth....times. The part of the movie when Aibileen says: "You is smart . You is kind. You is important," made me cry!! This is definitely a movie that will pull on your heart strings.

Great story filled with racial segregation in the south, humor and the tenacity of strong women. My daughter and I love this movie and like to say, "You is smart . You is kind. You is important."

This move is funny, sad and interesting. I didn't cry, but I got very close to. However, they basically say white people solved racism with a book. The overall storyline is far-fetched, in some points overly dramatic and ridiculous. It had very good acting, that's the thing that probably saved it in my opinion.

A very compelling story that is both humorous and dramatic at the same time. I was laughing ,crying, and clapping all at the same time. The acting was superb and it has been watched again and again.

Both the movie and the book were very good. I have seen the movie several mes and will watch it several times more. Minnie is one of my favorite characters. I am an avid reader, so of course I am going to say that the book is ALWAYS better than the movie, but in this instance I believe they are equal.

There's not many movies that I can watch several times, but this is one that I can!