Suzanne Collins The Hunger Game Series

Suzanne Collins The Hunger Game Series

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199 Reviews 4.8/5 stars
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I am in LOVE with this book. My favorite series so far this year.

I am in LOVE with this book. My favorite series so far this year.

absolutely loved this. I buy all of my books used but bought these all new. still need to see the movie though

absolutely loved this. I buy all of my books used but bought these all new. still need to see the movie though

I really liked this series. I found that it was a better written series compared to the other popular young adult novels. I loved the characters and I loved everything about the books. I also saw the movie but I found the books much more superior than the movie. I finished this trilogy in a week's time. I just couldn't put it down!

I really liked this series. I found that it was a better written series compared to the other popular young adult novels. I loved the characters and I loved everything about the books. I also saw the movie but I found the books much more superior than the movie. I finished this trilogy in a week's time. I just couldn't put it down!

I started reading this series just because I wanted to see what all of the hype was about (and this was even before the movie was made.) The first book immediately captured my attention, and was one of those books that you just did not want to put down!!! I read ALOT, and that doesn't happen that often. I loved all 3 of the trilogy, but think the first is definitely the best book. I have recommended this book to several people, and they all loved it! Read this if you haven't yet!

I started reading this series just because I wanted to see what all of the hype was about (and this was even before the movie was made.) The first book immediately captured my attention, and was one of those books that you just did not want to put down!!! I read ALOT, and that doesn't happen that often. I loved all 3 of the trilogy, but think the first is definitely the best book. I have recommended this book to several people, and they all loved it! Read this if you haven't yet!

Another great series by a truly gifted author! I was begging people to LendMe Books #2 and #3 on my Nook!

Another great series by a truly gifted author! I was begging people to LendMe Books #2 and #3 on my Nook!

LOVE this series! So awesome, super thrilling and fast paced. I couldn't put these books down!

LOVE this series! So awesome, super thrilling and fast paced. I couldn't put these books down!

I guess I was the last to read the hunger games in my little group of friends, but i'm all ways usally the last one. But I do love the books, havent seen the movie

I guess I was the last to read the hunger games in my little group of friends, but i'm all ways usally the last one. But I do love the books, havent seen the movie

LOVE this book series. I'm so sad that it's over, but excited to see the movie adaptations!

LOVE this book series. I'm so sad that it's over, but excited to see the movie adaptations!

Best. Book. Series. EVER. 'Nuff said.

Best. Book. Series. EVER. 'Nuff said.

I have read all 3 of these in less than 2 weeks, I could not put these books down. The storyline is so continuous through the books one picks up where the other left off. It's perfect. My kids are all 3 reading it and they are 9 15 and 16 and are all reading and enjoying it once. Great series, I will definitely be reading more Suzanne Collins. She is a very talented writer and storyteller who pulls you into the story and really describes the world around you so you can see it in your mind. Amazing!

I have read all 3 of these in less than 2 weeks, I could not put these books down. The storyline is so continuous through the books one picks up where the other left off. It's perfect. My kids are all 3 reading it and they are 9 15 and 16 and are all reading and enjoying it once. Great series, I will definitely be reading more Suzanne Collins. She is a very talented writer and storyteller who pulls you into the story and really describes the world around you so you can see it in your mind. Amazing!

The series as a whole, I was disappointed with. I absolutely *LOVED* the first book, The Hunger Games, and would give that one five stars, but I just didn't like where the story went in the other two books. Not that they were bad books, but I didn't care for the story going down the rebel uprising/revolution road. I thought Catching Fire was probably the weakest book in the series, forcing them to continue the fake romance, and the Games in that one seemed like just an attempt to do what the first book had done. Mockingjay was slightly stronger story-wise but still seemed weak in that this revolution couldn't happen without one teenage girl. I'm glad I read the series but I only really liked the first book. (Saw the movie yesterday. LOVED it!)

The series as a whole, I was disappointed with. I absolutely *LOVED* the first book, The Hunger Games, and would give that one five stars, but I just didn't like where the story went in the other two books. Not that they were bad books, but I didn't care for the story going down the rebel uprising/revolution road. I thought Catching Fire was probably the weakest book in the series, forcing them to continue the fake romance, and the Games in that one seemed like just an attempt to do what the first book had done. Mockingjay was slightly stronger story-wise but still seemed weak in that this revolution couldn't happen without one teenage girl. I'm glad I read the series but I only really liked the first book. (Saw the movie yesterday. LOVED it!)

Awesome book!!! Am gpoing to see the movie which I am willing to bet is just as great!!!! Move over Twilight!

Awesome book!!! Am gpoing to see the movie which I am willing to bet is just as great!!!! Move over Twilight!

I just purchased this book in anticipation of the movie release! Loved it, couldn't put it down! Before I was even finished I was purchasing the other two books for my Nook. It was by far one of the best books I've read!

I just purchased this book in anticipation of the movie release! Loved it, couldn't put it down! Before I was even finished I was purchasing the other two books for my Nook. It was by far one of the best books I've read!

Love this series! Read all the books in less than a week. It got me so emotionally attached to all the characters. I even shed quite a few tears throughout. I would recommend these books to anyone and everyone.

Love this series! Read all the books in less than a week. It got me so emotionally attached to all the characters. I even shed quite a few tears throughout. I would recommend these books to anyone and everyone.

Series was great! As soon as I finished one book, I started the next. I had to make myself but the books down to get some sleep. Recommended this series to my friends and co-workers!

Series was great! As soon as I finished one book, I started the next. I had to make myself but the books down to get some sleep. Recommended this series to my friends and co-workers!