Aveda Naturally Straight

Aveda Naturally Straight

              Rated #381 in Hair Care
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1283 Reviews 3.8/5 stars
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I was pretty excited to start using this product as I usually love Aveda products. However, I was very disappointed. After I had my children, I got really strange waves in my hair and I was hoing that this would help tame those weird waves. This product instead made it flat and greasy feeling. It just clung to my head instead of being light and fluffy. It looked like I hadn't washed in several days or that I had just run through a heavy rainstorm. I wear my hair in a bob with the ends curved under but this made my hair stick straight out in a very unflattering way. Even using my flat iron to try and fix it was unsuccessful. I didn't mind the smell because I usually like the earthy Aveda product smells. I would only recommend this product to someone who has super curly or super frizzy type hair.

I was SO excited to try this. I LOVE Aveda products -- I've never found an Aveda product I didn't like...until this one. This made my hair greasy and extremely difficult to blowdry. I have frizzy, naturally wavy, kind of kinky hair and was hoping this would be a godsend. Instead, it ruined my 'do. I think part of the problem is that the bottle gives absolutely no indication of how much you should use for various hair lengths. Since it said to section the hair and apply, it's possible I used too much. The end result was hair that was difficult to get my hands through and that needed to be washed the very next day (I usually get 3+ days out of a blowout with minor touch ups).

I was really hoping that this product would work for me, but unfortunately it did not. I'm not a fan of the smell, and it left my hair with a thick, dry texture. Even frizzier than normal. I really didn't notice where my curls loosened, and did not get any shine from the product.

I was so excited to try this product but unfortunately it did not work for me. I was very disappointed in the feel and texture of my hair following use. My hair felt like I had a film of some sort on it. Even with using a flat iron my hair wasn't as straight as I was hoping for.

I did not like this product. It did not straighten my hair and it left my hair greasy.

I love Aveda products and have missed them since they moved out of my area. This product was heavy and made the hair appear greasy. Have tried it on my daughter's hair (who has a whole lot of hair) and it weighted it down. Not a big fan of this product.

I could not use this product. It made my hair oily an felt like I had not washed my hair. I also used it on my daughter and it did not make her hair stay straight either. I liked the smell, but that was it.

I just had my hair colored and enjoy that new vibrant color look, but this product weighed my hair down and made it look dull. I didn't like it at all.

I was disappointed in this product. It had an unpleasant smell and made my hair feel heavy and greasy.

I liked the smell of the product, but I didn't like how it made my hair feel. It was as if the reason it keeps it straight is because it adds so much bulk and grease that it lays flat. I had to take wash my hair the second day because I couldn't stand how my hair felt. I didn't want to use it again.

I really hoped this product would be an answer to my hair woes. I needed it to work, I have naturally curly hair and a frizz issue. After using this product I'm so disappointed. None of the named benefits proved to be true for me. No reduced frizz, no shorter time drying and didn't hold for any length of time. I followed directions - even tried it without my usually leave-in conditioner to see if that was slowing process down. Bottom line: I found no benefit to use and cannot recommend. My old routine worked better. Save your money.

This product made my hair a limp, frizzy mess. It did straighten it some but it was WHAT it straightened it into that was the problem. Limp. Frizzy. It felt horrible and there was no amount of any kind of product to make it look better. Finally after a few days of not using it my hair started looking healthy again. Horrible.

It did not do anything for my hair even after blowdrying it. I still had to use a flat iron and even with that I didn't notice my hair being any straighter. After washing my hair it is back to being thick and wavy again. My hair is very thick, maybe it will work with someone who has thin hair. I got this free from Shespeaks, I wouldn't be too happy if I had paid full price for it.

As I have gotten older my thin hair has gotten curly and frizzy. I have tried so many store products in the hopes that I could have beautiful salon hair every day at home, and was always disappointed. I couldn't wait to try Aveda hair straightener, as Aveda is a very good product, pricier than what the drug store offers but If it worked I would have been their most loyal customer. Unfortunately I was disappointed, I first day I admit it was extremely hot and humid but I used the product just as direct and took extra time to blow dry my hair in sections, then I hit it with a hot iron b/c it was no straighter then had I not use the Aveda, took my dog for a 15min walk and came back to major fizz. I continued to use Aveda and blow dry my hair but it could just be my hair type, extremely thin, alot of hair that has a natural curl to it, was not a good match for this product. I liked using the product, it wasn't heavy, had a nice smell but just didn't do anything to make my hair straight. I am glad I got to try this product, the instructions were easy to follow, the product came out nicely from the tube, it just didn't work for me. I would not recommend this to a friend nor would I buy this product, but if Aveda did come out with another straightener I would try it, I think it's a good brand.

Very disappointed. I love Aveda products and use them daily. All this product did was make my hair dry. I found no useful benefit.