Baby Mum-Mum Rice Biscuits

Baby Mum-Mum Rice Biscuits

              Rated #10 in Food
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138 Reviews 4.3/5 stars
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My baby has loved these from an early age. As soon as she was introduced to rice cereal, she got these, because she was very interested in what was going on at the table and i felt like she wanted to participate. Now that she is 8 months old she still loves them and they are perfect for a little snack on the go if I am out to lunch with a friend and she wants to eat while we are eating. It occupies her and helps her learn to chew. I like that they dissolve though so there is no real choking hazard even though we have been scared by the gag reflex. I break pieces off for her.

My daughter enjoyed this snack during her teething times. And it's also a great snack to give her when she wanted some of my junk food. They are easy and mess free.

I love buying these! I alway have several in my bag, easy to clean. They pare great for when you're on the go!

My daughter LOVES these. It is so easy for her to grasp and feed herself. I also enjoy the fact that I dont have to worry about her choking on them.

My daughter loved these! This was the first "finger food" she liked. We carried them everywhere.

My son loves these! They taste good and just melt in your mouth. As a parent I could even eat this.

These are my sons favorite he can't get enough of them

We have been buying these since our first was born in 2011. I love that they are portable, easily dissolve and apparently tasty. I don't find them to be that good but my two oldest kids still love then at 2 and 4 years old.

Great Both my kids loved these and they the great thing about these is they dissolved very quickly. I was one of those mom who tryed what I got them before I let them have it and I was happy to know that they couldn't choke on them

Love it My son loves these. The only problem I have is that they always break while they are still in the packet but there is nothing anyone can really do about that. I would definitely recommend getting this for your child especially if they are having teething troubles.

My youngest just started on foods and she loves these! So far it's the only food she can feed herself (her coordination isn't there yet for her to pick up smaller items) and she loves being able to do that. It's a great way to keep her busy while we're eating supper - she feels involved at the table with us. It's also easy to bring along when we're on the go.

My babies loved them Both of my daughters ate these when they were teething. They come in organic and non organic as well as a few flavors. They are packaged 2 to a pack inside the box which is perfect for any outing. The melt very quickly too for babies who are just starting to explore solids.

Mum mums My little one loves these crackers and I like that they don't leave any messes behind! I like how many come in a box/package, they last for a good bit!

Perfect for teething babies! These were perfect for my kids when they were babies, my son loved these and they were perfect for when he was teething. They taste great to babies and melt pretty fast so they are perfect for those who are starting solids and the best part is a pack should last you a while.

These taste AWESOME These rock! They come in packs of 2, so they are the perfect snack to take along while you and baby are out shopping, or running errands (one for now, one for later). They actually taste GREAT too, it's been hard at times for me not to sneak bites of my daughters Mum Mums. They are a nice shape that is easy for babies to hold, my daughter started eating them when she was about 8 months old, and could hold it and bite pieces off by herself under supervision. They have a nice crunch, which is a good sensory experience for baby, but as soon as they are in your mouth they dissolve immediately (I've tested this myself), so there is little risk of choking. I know my daughter always lights up when she sees a pack of these in my hand. If you haven't heard of them or haven't tried them for your child, I would certainly recommend picking some up!