Dr. Seuss The Cat in the Hat

Dr. Seuss The Cat in the Hat

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871 Reviews 4.9/5 stars
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Classic All time classic for sure! I remember this book growing up. Always loved the pictures that go with it. And now I read to all my kids.

Classic All time classic for sure! I remember this book growing up. Always loved the pictures that go with it. And now I read to all my kids.

Classic All time classic for sure! I remember this book growing up. Always loved the pictures that go with it. And now I read to all my kids.

Classic All time classic for sure! I remember this book growing up. Always loved the pictures that go with it. And now I read to all my kids.

Dr. Seuss is a great writer. I love this book and it was one of my favorites growing up. CLASSIC!!!! LOVE IT!!!!

Dr. Seuss is a great writer. I love this book and it was one of my favorites growing up. CLASSIC!!!! LOVE IT!!!!

Dr. Seuss is a great writer. I love this book and it was one of my favorites growing up. CLASSIC!!!! LOVE IT!!!!

Dr. Seuss is a great writer. I love this book and it was one of my favorites growing up. CLASSIC!!!! LOVE IT!!!!

A classic I love The cat in the hat! It is a Dr Seuss classic, if not the main book people think of when they hear that name! My mom read this to me, I own it and read it to my kids, they read it, and hopefully someday they will read it to their children!

A classic I love The cat in the hat! It is a Dr Seuss classic, if not the main book people think of when they hear that name! My mom read this to me, I own it and read it to my kids, they read it, and hopefully someday they will read it to their children!

A classic I love The cat in the hat! It is a Dr Seuss classic, if not the main book people think of when they hear that name! My mom read this to me, I own it and read it to my kids, they read it, and hopefully someday they will read it to their children!

A classic I love The cat in the hat! It is a Dr Seuss classic, if not the main book people think of when they hear that name! My mom read this to me, I own it and read it to my kids, they read it, and hopefully someday they will read it to their children!

Fun reading! my husband bought this book for my 2 and 4 yr old boys and they loved it! they actually memorize few lines already! We love Dr. Seuss!

Fun reading! my husband bought this book for my 2 and 4 yr old boys and they loved it! they actually memorize few lines already! We love Dr. Seuss!

Fun reading! my husband bought this book for my 2 and 4 yr old boys and they loved it! they actually memorize few lines already! We love Dr. Seuss!

Fun reading! my husband bought this book for my 2 and 4 yr old boys and they loved it! they actually memorize few lines already! We love Dr. Seuss!

Nonsense is the BEST Sense A must have for children's book collections. Dr Seuss books have been around for many years. I even had them as a child as I bet many of you have too. His nonsensical wit is just... the best. Me, my son and my grandkids all still love The Cat In The Hat and watch for new movies from some of the other books by Dr Seuss. He will go down in history with other greats as Beatricx Potter, Hans Christian Anderson, and Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Nonsense is the BEST Sense A must have for children's book collections. Dr Seuss books have been around for many years. I even had them as a child as I bet many of you have too. His nonsensical wit is just... the best. Me, my son and my grandkids all still love The Cat In The Hat and watch for new movies from some of the other books by Dr Seuss. He will go down in history with other greats as Beatricx Potter, Hans Christian Anderson, and Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Nonsense is the BEST Sense A must have for children's book collections. Dr Seuss books have been around for many years. I even had them as a child as I bet many of you have too. His nonsensical wit is just... the best. Me, my son and my grandkids all still love The Cat In The Hat and watch for new movies from some of the other books by Dr Seuss. He will go down in history with other greats as Beatricx Potter, Hans Christian Anderson, and Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Nonsense is the BEST Sense A must have for children's book collections. Dr Seuss books have been around for many years. I even had them as a child as I bet many of you have too. His nonsensical wit is just... the best. Me, my son and my grandkids all still love The Cat In The Hat and watch for new movies from some of the other books by Dr Seuss. He will go down in history with other greats as Beatricx Potter, Hans Christian Anderson, and Laura Ingalls Wilder.

still a fave for us Still a fave for me and my kids, even though they're grown. Just a fun book with silly rhymes, messy chaos and a "twist" ending (LOL!) about picking up after yourself when playtime is over.

still a fave for us Still a fave for me and my kids, even though they're grown. Just a fun book with silly rhymes, messy chaos and a "twist" ending (LOL!) about picking up after yourself when playtime is over.

still a fave for us Still a fave for me and my kids, even though they're grown. Just a fun book with silly rhymes, messy chaos and a "twist" ending (LOL!) about picking up after yourself when playtime is over.

still a fave for us Still a fave for me and my kids, even though they're grown. Just a fun book with silly rhymes, messy chaos and a "twist" ending (LOL!) about picking up after yourself when playtime is over.

older and wiser When I was younger I thought the Dr. Suess books were ridiculous. But now that I'm older and wiser, I love reading these books to my grandchildren. They are silly which keeps their interest but the rhyming and repetition of words is a fantastic way to teach children to read. I would definitely recommend this book.

older and wiser When I was younger I thought the Dr. Suess books were ridiculous. But now that I'm older and wiser, I love reading these books to my grandchildren. They are silly which keeps their interest but the rhyming and repetition of words is a fantastic way to teach children to read. I would definitely recommend this book.

older and wiser When I was younger I thought the Dr. Suess books were ridiculous. But now that I'm older and wiser, I love reading these books to my grandchildren. They are silly which keeps their interest but the rhyming and repetition of words is a fantastic way to teach children to read. I would definitely recommend this book.

older and wiser When I was younger I thought the Dr. Suess books were ridiculous. But now that I'm older and wiser, I love reading these books to my grandchildren. They are silly which keeps their interest but the rhyming and repetition of words is a fantastic way to teach children to read. I would definitely recommend this book.

t's still a good book this book has always kept children's attention. I

t's still a good book this book has always kept children's attention. I

t's still a good book this book has always kept children's attention. I

t's still a good book this book has always kept children's attention. I

What's not to love about a Dr. Seuss Book? The Cat in the Hat is a staple book in ANY library! If you don't have any other Dr. Seuss Book, it has to be this one! That's that's all I know about that!

What's not to love about a Dr. Seuss Book? The Cat in the Hat is a staple book in ANY library! If you don't have any other Dr. Seuss Book, it has to be this one! That's that's all I know about that!

What's not to love about a Dr. Seuss Book? The Cat in the Hat is a staple book in ANY library! If you don't have any other Dr. Seuss Book, it has to be this one! That's that's all I know about that!

What's not to love about a Dr. Seuss Book? The Cat in the Hat is a staple book in ANY library! If you don't have any other Dr. Seuss Book, it has to be this one! That's that's all I know about that!

Nephew loves it!!! I remember reading this book as kid and loving it! So when I had the opportunity this past Christmas, I got this book and several more Dr. Seuss books for my nephew so that he can learn to read. I recommend this book for young children as it has great pictures and is an easy read.

Nephew loves it!!! I remember reading this book as kid and loving it! So when I had the opportunity this past Christmas, I got this book and several more Dr. Seuss books for my nephew so that he can learn to read. I recommend this book for young children as it has great pictures and is an easy read.

Nephew loves it!!! I remember reading this book as kid and loving it! So when I had the opportunity this past Christmas, I got this book and several more Dr. Seuss books for my nephew so that he can learn to read. I recommend this book for young children as it has great pictures and is an easy read.

Nephew loves it!!! I remember reading this book as kid and loving it! So when I had the opportunity this past Christmas, I got this book and several more Dr. Seuss books for my nephew so that he can learn to read. I recommend this book for young children as it has great pictures and is an easy read.

Classic! My kids love this book. We own every Dr Seuss book imaginable. I read them to my kids during bedtime every night. Great group of books for little readers and beginners. Each story teaches a lesson & has a meaning behind it, that teaches kids everything from good manners & how to behave to teaching kids to use their imaginations & that its okay to be unique and different.

Classic! My kids love this book. We own every Dr Seuss book imaginable. I read them to my kids during bedtime every night. Great group of books for little readers and beginners. Each story teaches a lesson & has a meaning behind it, that teaches kids everything from good manners & how to behave to teaching kids to use their imaginations & that its okay to be unique and different.

Classic! My kids love this book. We own every Dr Seuss book imaginable. I read them to my kids during bedtime every night. Great group of books for little readers and beginners. Each story teaches a lesson & has a meaning behind it, that teaches kids everything from good manners & how to behave to teaching kids to use their imaginations & that its okay to be unique and different.

Classic! My kids love this book. We own every Dr Seuss book imaginable. I read them to my kids during bedtime every night. Great group of books for little readers and beginners. Each story teaches a lesson & has a meaning behind it, that teaches kids everything from good manners & how to behave to teaching kids to use their imaginations & that its okay to be unique and different.

Fun, educational, and colorful illustrations I truly love this book. Dr. Suess is a part of almost every kids life and the rhyming is always fun and educational for your kids. My kids love listening to Dr. Suess considering they are to young to read and always get a kick out of the rhyming and the colorful illistrations. I love reading it too.

Fun, educational, and colorful illustrations I truly love this book. Dr. Suess is a part of almost every kids life and the rhyming is always fun and educational for your kids. My kids love listening to Dr. Suess considering they are to young to read and always get a kick out of the rhyming and the colorful illistrations. I love reading it too.

Fun, educational, and colorful illustrations I truly love this book. Dr. Suess is a part of almost every kids life and the rhyming is always fun and educational for your kids. My kids love listening to Dr. Suess considering they are to young to read and always get a kick out of the rhyming and the colorful illistrations. I love reading it too.

Fun, educational, and colorful illustrations I truly love this book. Dr. Suess is a part of almost every kids life and the rhyming is always fun and educational for your kids. My kids love listening to Dr. Suess considering they are to young to read and always get a kick out of the rhyming and the colorful illistrations. I love reading it too.

Love This book is all 4 of my kids favorite! Great story fun and exciting

Love This book is all 4 of my kids favorite! Great story fun and exciting

Love This book is all 4 of my kids favorite! Great story fun and exciting

Love This book is all 4 of my kids favorite! Great story fun and exciting

Childhood Favorite Book Cat in the Hat has always been a favorite of mine. This was the first book I learnt to read on my own with. Great read for young children.

Childhood Favorite Book Cat in the Hat has always been a favorite of mine. This was the first book I learnt to read on my own with. Great read for young children.

Childhood Favorite Book Cat in the Hat has always been a favorite of mine. This was the first book I learnt to read on my own with. Great read for young children.

Childhood Favorite Book Cat in the Hat has always been a favorite of mine. This was the first book I learnt to read on my own with. Great read for young children.

These books are the best to read to my grandkids. They stay focused and entertained.

These books are the best to read to my grandkids. They stay focused and entertained.

These books are the best to read to my grandkids. They stay focused and entertained.

These books are the best to read to my grandkids. They stay focused and entertained.