Tide Coldwater

Tide Coldwater

              Rated #1 in Laundry
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490 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
96% Recommended
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Tide Cold Water is spectacular. I love it. I think that it is one of the best products out on the market. I washed many different loads and it did a great job on everything. The whites were whiter and the color clothes were brighter. I think this product would be able to tackle any job. The clothing smells really good.

Tide detergent is all I've ever known! I was so excited to be able to try this out. I truly believe that the little things we can all do to help the environment add up over time. For my Tide Coldwater cleaned just as well as my traditional Tide detergent. I will continue to purchase this. So glad to see that it is available in HE formula too!

We love washing our clothes with Tide Coldwater because our clothes come out clean and smelling great, plus we save money by not having to heat the water!!! Definitely a keeper!

As a lifelong hot water washer, I was pleasantly surprised with the level of clean we experienced with Tide Coldwater. I love everything about it including that we are saving energy and money.

Tide Coldwater worked great for all of my laundry and left my laundry smelling fresh and clean.The best part is it helps save energy and the environment.!!!!

To be honest my expectations were very low regarding Tide Coldwater. I had decided that it was just a way to drum up more business with another name. I was so wrong. My better half is an engineer. He came home with badly soiled clothes after spending the day surveying a department store construction site. I don't even let his work clothes anywhere near mine. He was the one that put them in the washer with the Tide and cold water. We waited in suspense expecting to trash them or wash them in hot water with another detergent. They came out spotless. He also liked that the fragrance was minimal. Men don't like their clothes to smell perfumey. To quote him, "if Coldwater Tide can clean my clothes like this it can clean anything." He happens to be an environmental specialist also. He too was pleased that energy was conserved. He's already recommended it to all the engineers in his firm. I will keep you updated as more try it. Now I will try it on my beloved delicates and fine linens.

I'm very impressed with the cleaning power of the Tide Coldwater detergent. My husband's work clothes get filthy (he's a Land Surveyor) and I usually wash them in hot water. Not anymore. the Coldwater Tide does a remarkable job of removing dirt, mud, and stains. I also appreciate the amount of money saved now that I'm not using hot water for every wash.

I was really unsure about using cold water to wash my clothes. But I was pleasantly surprised to see that they came out great. My husband's work uniforms came out spotless. I love that this is a "Future Friendly" way to clean clothes & it really works. I'm excited to be part of conserving energy any way I can.

I have 3 kids, ages 20, 16, and 14. All 3 of them are extremely active and love to get grass stains on their clothes. I was hesitant to use Tide Coldwater on those clothes. The stains came out on the first wash!!! I am highly impressed!!!

One of the children wiped their mouth on my white jacket. I am not for sure on how long it has been on my white jacket. The stain came out. Overall, Tide coldwater did a great job. It did the job it set out to do. Laundry was accomplished and Tide Coldwater did a great job and I would recommend this product.

Loved it!! I use hot water generally and it definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone but this was a wonderful surprise.

I was surprised at how well the Tide Coldwater detergent worked. My whites look great and the laundry smells clean. I'm a believer! I'm looking forward to saving money, and energy, too!

Love this stuff. I received my free sample a few weeks ago and have used it since on a variety of types of clothing. I LOVE IT!

I am very pleased with the results I got from Tide Coldwater. My son who I call the Human Napkin is always staining his t shirts, Tide worked very well and the scent is great. I really like the fact it's for cold water.

Fabulous!! We participated in the Tide Coldwater program and were thrilled with the results. Tide Coldwater has a wonderful fresh scent and left my clothing so wonderfully clean and bright. I will be using this product from now on.