Dr. Seuss The Cat in the Hat

Dr. Seuss The Cat in the Hat

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We love Dr. suess the books are awesome.

I love Dr. Suess books. I read them to my son, my neices and nephews and preschool kids over the years.

You can't go wrong with this classic. I use it in my classroom often and it is always a winner!

This book is a classic. I remember reading it when I was a kid. Now I read it to my kids.

Best child's story for learning to read.

 I think every child should have all the Dr, Seuss books, but especially cat in the hat it is a classic.

I got this book when I was little and now my kids love it too. So much fun to read

My seven year old reads this to my three year old, before the end they're both giggling. Fun and silly illustrations.

The Cat in the Hat is not only a child's favorite book but it is a childhood favorite and I will always read Dr. Seuss books to my kids in my most characteristic voice because those books deserve FUN!

I think every child should have all the Dr, Seuss books, but especially cat in the hat it is a classic.

Such a nice fun book to read to your little one. the movie is great too!

favorite of my kids

i read this book SO MUCh as a kid that i still, to this day, remember E.V.E.R.Y. word =)

There has been a lot of hooey going around about Dr Seuss lately, but I will always love these books.

this is a very good book this is a book I have to read almost every night to my 1 1/2 year old he loves it dr. Seuss hes been popular for ever and so that proves how good of a writer he is