Bounce Dryer Bar

Bounce Dryer Bar

              Rated #73 in Laundry
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139 Reviews 3.3/5 stars
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Its great for not having to remember to put in dryer sheets, and your clothes come out smelling alot more awesome than they would with a dryer sheet.

I have the Bounce Dryer Bar in my dryer all the time. I love the scent & I see a difference in static cling. I don't think it makes a difference in the softness of my clothes though. The product is easy to install & easy to reload. I have had one experience that something seemed to coat the bar & make it hard and unable to work properly. Not sure what caused it, but I just popped a new one in and was good to go. I have never had one fall off before either. I did replace it once, because I thought surely after a year the adhesive must me wearing away...uhm, not so much. I should have just left it! It was a big sticky mess... leave well enough alone & the product works great!

Love these best ever. One bar last long. And smells great. Easy to see when refill is needed. Great Great. I will always buy

Love it! It has lasted me almost 4 months and its one step I can skip when doing laundry

these balls are great! nice and easy to use. just throw it in the dryer and your done. i cant live without these. they make your clothes nice and smelly clean. no static either

Great idea bounce. Im not so happy with it though. Bar detaches easily from dryer. Residue left in dryer. residue on clothing.

tried this...thought it was a great idea...not so great...removed the finish from the inside of my dryer when it came off - worst thing i have ever tried - wish i hadn't done it - has ruined my dryer - not worth it at all . I will keep using the sheets. They seem to be harmless.

I love the concept, I love the smell and I love not having to use dryer sheets. I did not have problems with the bar breaking into pieces or no smell or still having static in clothes. I did have the issue of lint sticking to the bar right away. I am on my second refill. My issue with this product is that it doesn't last as long as it says on package. It says up to 3 months "depending on dryer usage". Well, most moms do a load a day, my dryer bar barely last a month! Even when I worked full time, I did a load of clothes a day. I was really looking forward to using this product, but it did not live up to my expectations. Now if you are only doing laundry once a week, then this is a good product but if you are doing laundry like most families, once a day than this is not for you. So its back to the dryer sheets for this family, at least until this product is improved or I find something else.

Agree - Don't waste your money. I purchased this full price and had high hopes that I could use this in place of the wasteful dryer sheets. Sadly it was very disappointing. The bar only lasted through two dryer cycles before it fell apart and I mean in pieces. It is held together with a sticky strip to the dryer and then another strip holds the bar to the strip - both became unglued. I also noticed that bits of lint already started sticking to the bar.

Im not satisfied with the Bounce Dryer Bar. Its broken in the Dryer in lots of crumbs. Has not a real good smell. So I dont buy it for myself.

LOVE this! I've been using this product for awhile now, and will be repurchasing

I really like this product and have been using it for months. The only thing is that I forget to change the bar.

Great idea, but it doesn't work. If I don't put a dryer sheet in still, my clothes are full of static. It has no smell. It seems to have a film over it or something now, like it's just not working. Hasn't been in my dryer long. I hope it doesn't leave a sticky mess on my new dryer when I try to remove it. Don't waste your money!

Love not having to worry about putting a dryer sheet each time. It smells great!

I love not having to worry if I put a dryer sheet in the dryer or not. When I open the dryer and the clothes do not stick to each other. Changing out the bar is easy and not messy at all. I have found a new product I really don't want to do without!