Summer's Eve Feminine Wash For Sensitive Skin

Summer's Eve Feminine Wash For Sensitive Skin

              Rated #2 in Feminine Care
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179 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
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once in a while these are wanted, wouldn't use as a my everyday soap only after your "friend" leaves

This stiff is awesome. It cleans well. Smells good and it's supposed to hello you down there

This product is wonderful it smell great too

my go-to's when I take a shower.It cleans well, Smells good.

Wonderful product. Use it everyday. The single wipes are great as well.

Very gentle to the skin.

I use this product every day as a part of my daily hygiene care. It lasts a long time and it keeps you smelling fresh and clean without irritation.

Very good product and foams very easily

I have sensitive skin, so this product is perfect. Before I found this, I had to use baby wash. This product smells so nice and leaves me feeling so fresh and clean.

I like this feminine wash because it is feminie and delicate for those not so fresh days. It is gentle enough to use everyday.

I will never use another product in this category! I LOVE this stuff!

I love this stuff. It makes you feel clean down there, and fresh without irritating my sensitive skin. I also feel like it lasts all day, and I don't feel gross at the end of the day :)

Very good set of products to keep a woman feeling fresh and clean. I love the scents and the ease of using. Not at all irritating.

Love it!

I recently received this product from the company for free and I can tell you I am in love with this project I feel clean and refreshed and I have no battle odor afterward