Dryel 30min In-Dryer Cleaner

Dryel 30min In-Dryer Cleaner

              Rated #34 in Laundry
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407 Reviews 4.4/5 stars
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I love the Dryel for keeping my jeans from fading. I also like to freshen up my throw pillows. I do not put my Mrs. Claus suit in with the Dryel since It says not to use on velvet.

Used it on my sweaters, did a nice job. The smell is a little strong for me, but that could be because I'm used to using laundry products that are free & clear. It's better than getting items back from the dry cleaner that have a chemical smell.

The DRYER KI is very cool and practical I like the clean Dryel is very new and different the stain fight seem to work ok I don't personally likr dry cleaning because of the chemicals-but for an at home product Dryel is awesome.

I think this product is good to use whenyou need to freshen up something but it doesn't really need to be cleaned. I think I will use it between dry cleanings and for when I need to freshen up something. I don't like the chemicals and cost associated with dry cleaning, so I try to avoid clothing that requires it. But this product does make those items a little more practical. I like Dryel and am glad to have participated in this program as I probably woudn't have tried it on my own.

I used Dryel on one of my favorite shirts and a light jacket. They came out smelling fresh and ready for a girls' night out. It is definitely more convenient than dropping off at the dry cleaners. I would recommend this for a quick clean, but not sure how it would do on a heavily soiled piece of clothing.

This at home dry cleaning kit is handy to have at home when your in a pinch. Last minute, I cleaned a dress shirt that I needed the next day, worked great. I will still take the bulk of dry cleaning to the cleaners but will have a couple of these kits on hand for last minute items.

I work in a office and need to keep my "good" close looking and smelling fresh. What a nice surprise that Dryel would do just that in a short time. Looks like I won't need to take my close to the dry cleaners much with this product. I cleaned two dresses and a blouse and they out perfect! Yes, I'll use Dryel again and again! Thank you for this offer! Off to the store I go!!

This is definately a great product to have handy for use in a pinch. The clothes did come out rejuvinated, but I can't shake the felling that the dry cleaners delivers a deeper clean.

I wish that the stain removal was better, but it did make my husband's sports coats smell clean and fresh!

Good bye dry cleaner and hello dryel. Fresh smelling and easy to use. Plus it saves you that extra trip to the cleaner Ii have very few clothes that should be dry cleaned because i dont want to go the extra mile. Now i can because i can do it on my regular laundry trip. Great product.

The product worked well on a sweater that had a lot of bead work on it. I have taken it to the dry cleaners before and this product worked as good as the professional cleaner. I will continue to use this on my good sweaters.

Was great for my jeans but didn't really see a difference then regular washing, my dresses however came out amazing!!

I was extremely impressed with the dryel cleaner. My daughter wore a white dress for a formal dance & got a little punch on it. I rinsed it immediately & cleaned it the next day. I couldn't believe how well it came out. I will definetly be using this for future cleanings & also be recommending to friends.

Last week I had a graduation to go to,I realized a little late I didn't have anything to fit me. I have a 8 week old at home and am in between sizes in clothes.Then I remembered I had some clothes packed up that might fit. When i pulled out the blouse and slacks I thought,Oh no, the clothes are wrinkled,have a stale smell to them and say dry clean only. Then I remembered I had a box of Dryel waiting for me to try! Yay! I am so thankful I had this product and on hand the clothes smelled wonderful, and the wrinkles were gone good as new! Thank you for the save,Dryel!

Works just as well as professional dry cleaning, just wish that it could press my clothes as well. j/k Works well with delicates and sweaters. Smells fresh as well, which is something I appreciate and do not get from professional dry cleaning. It is obviously super convenient. 30 minutes and done.