Parent's Choice Baby Bottles

Parent's Choice Baby Bottles

              Rated #4 in Feeding
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28 Reviews 4.8/5 stars
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My daughter still uses these while cup training. They were low priced, adorable designs, and have lasted the past 14 months with my li'l one! =) I was very happy to find these being a single mom I didn't have much money to buy all the things I needed when I was pregnant with my baby girl so Thank You Parents Choice!!

I love these bottles! I have used them with all my kids! I see no reason for buying the expensive brand bottles, b/c these have always done their job! They have adorable prints and are easy to clean! They are very durable and easy for baby to hold. And you can't beat the price! :)

These are great to leave and a sitters house for the baby and cheap enough you dont mind when you lose one

Great bottles at a great price

My baby boy loved these bottles. I love that they were such a bargain and they are very sturdy as well.

when my now almost 3 yr old was still using bottles, these are what we used. yes theyre sort of cheap, but they last

I was determined to breastfeed my twins, but complications arose, and we needed bottles, so hubby (who used to work at Walmart) decided to try that brand. We LOVED them! The best part was that you got three in a pack,, so with twins it was such a great deal!

they are very cost effective, but in my opinion were also better than the more expensive brands. easy to clean, sturdy, easy to purchase replacement parts. the patterns on the bottles are cute, and i like how they have cute ones for girls, boys or gender neutral! i've recommended these bottles for many of my friends, and i've given them to countless mother's-to-be at baby showers!

I started off using drop-in bottles, but got tired of buying liners all the time. We have been using this brand of bottles for 2 months now and are very pleased. They are so easy to find, much cheaper than name brands and do just as good of a job.

I liked these better than the more expensive Drop-Ins line. They just work and they're cheap and easy to clean. The nipples they come with aren't the best, but it's cheaper to buy extra, better quality nipples, than it is to buy whole sets of more expensive bottles with nipples.

Love these bottles. For a baby shower gift i got these and the soothies. My daughter and i both prefered the PC bottles. They are easy to clean, work great, and cheap. You can't beat it.

got ta love walmart

I love these bottles too bad it took until my son was starting teething about 4 to 5 months old before he decided he like them. They worked for until 2 weeks after he one year old then we were done with them for now! until the next one!!!