EOS  Lip Balm Sphere

EOS Lip Balm Sphere

              Rated #164 in Makeup - Lips
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2034 Reviews 4.1/5 stars
82% Recommended
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Although I liked the creative design, I was disappointed. I personally wished it would have been more moist on the lips. I just like moisture and shine whiel protecting my lips and didn't feel like I got it from this.

I currently have the lemon drop and the melon in my purse. I love this product.

I love this lip balm! It smears perfectly over my favorite lipstick or feels (and smells) terrific alone! I have left it in my car on accident and the sphere kept the balm in the perfect shape to be used again. My favorite it the lemon but the Summer Berry is a close second. This is the only balm I will ever wear. The only downfall is the shape. Its hard to carry it around in a pocket of my skinny jeans because it leaves a strange lump.

I love this stuff. I love the different flavors and it works real well on chapped lips.

I love this stuff!! Its smells great, keeps my lips happy and the fun shape is easier for me to find in my giant purse. Every one I have recommended try it has loved it too.

I saw this on sum u-tubers vids and then @ Walmart for $2.96 I want to try but have burts bees for now and is on budget

My Mom turned me onto this and I am in love with it. My 3 year old daughter even uses it (= It is different than all the others!

I really like this lip balm. The lemon is awesome. Goes on smooth, not waxy. I have tried two flavor/scents and so far like them equally. Looking forward to trying more.

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!! This lipbalm has been one of the only ones that works amazing for me! I actually have to keep buying it because my friends keep stealing them!

I have tried basically every "flavor" of this lip balm and I have it everywhere! It is by far the best lip balm I have ever used. I don't break out around the mouth like some balms cause me to do. It's long lasting, it's not overpowering, sticky or clumpy, it's easy to apply and it's super easy to find when digging around in my purse! I have given it as gifts. A friend of mine that I gave a 3-pack to, said it's amazing for when she runs, works great!

i loved the shape and the smell of the lip balm but i found it to be a tad bulky when trying to apply it...especially on the top lip.

I love it. It is the only product that works for my chapped lips. I have severe allergies and I do not have a reaction from EOS.

Love this lip balm! I'm never losing it, I can leave it in my car (by accident) and it doens't melt like others, lips stay moist so it lasts forever, no weird aftertaste either; Can't live without it!!

Love the lip balm and it is so unique. I love the flavors and also I love it how it feels on my lips. You definitely can't lose this in your purse...that's for sure.

I love this lip balm. It won't get lost in my purse. I just discovered the pink one (strawberry) and decided that's my favorite. Everybody wonders what it is when I use it around my friends and I got a few people started on it, including my 15-year old son and my mother-in-law.