Poise Impressa Sizing Kit

Poise Impressa Sizing Kit

              Rated #40 in Feminine Care
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224 Reviews 3.4/5 stars
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The poise impressa was very similar to a tampon but was a little more uncomfortable to use. I even tried all 3 sizes and never got the perfect fit feeling. Much easier for me to use the liners or pads.

nothing is more embarrassing then spotting or wetting your pants, especially in your 50's. But they are like a tampon and Like a tampon I always feel like I need a back-up. So what is the point, since the back-up (pad or liner) works just fine. I can't see paying for the extra expense. It might work better for someone younger who likes tampons and is more secure in how they work, I guess I am too old school. Thanks for letting me try these

Would be great for someone who can use them without pain. But not so great for those with endometriosis. Will stick to liners and pads when necessary.

I received my Poise Impressa samples compliments of She Speaks. I used the smallest in the size 1. It was easy enough to insert. I had just finished my menstrual cycle for the month or thought I had. Instructions state you can not use them during that time of the month. I noticed I was passing large clots after removing it. I never clot at the end of my period. I removed it immediately. There is no way I would use these again.

I really wanted the Impressa to work for me. When I was young I used tampons but had a hysterectomy in my early 30's so it has been years since I have used any kind of applicator such as these. Poise has been a trusted brand name in my household for years since I use their pantiliners designed for bladder leakage almost exclusively. Unfortunately, I found trying to use the applicator very hard. To push the actual product through the applicator with the plunger was difficult. The 'cuts' in the applicator were small and the applicator itself was 'hard' (harder than tampon applicators) and I had difficulty. I started with 3, then 2, then 1 and, unfortunately, while 1 would be the one that fit, it didn't work for me. (2 was uncomfortable). If there was a product between 1 and 2, I would probably be writing a whole different review. 1 was too small; 2 was too big. While I am very happy to have other people have success with Impressa, I sadly have to report that I will be sticking with Poise pantiliners for bladder leakage. I am sad - I SO wanted these to work. Would I recommend? Yes, because it DOES fulfill a need for people who have bladder leakage and if it works, terrific! I applaud Poise for coming out with a 'sizer' package - most companies would be out for the money and issue only 'size' packages to line their bottom line.

The product itself is a good idea and works but I don't like the idea of having a "tampon" up there all the time...

I have a disability and the Poise Impressa was difficult for me to use. I think thin pads work just as well. glad I was picked to be a part of the test group.

I was kind of disappointed! Tried the size 1 without having any leaks, but the insertion was very . uncomfortable. I was not able to move like I wanted and sitting was even worse because I felt a sharp poking. There was some irritation while and after pulling it out.

My problem times are when I sneeze or laugh really hard. I leaked one day when I sneezed and was surprised to find that I actually had a Poise Impressa (Size 3!!!) in. They're a great idea, and they seem to work for some, but they don't work for me I'm sad to say.

This product is uncomfortable - Size 1 was too small, size 2 fit but caused irritation- This is not a product I would recommend - I am worried about infections.

I wasn't able to find a size that was truly comfortable but I think if I had the product would have been a success. The leaks when laughing and sneezing were definitely gone but the product was uncomfortable for me. I'd definitely recommend that woman try it though... I think that it's probably comfortable for some women and it does work.

This may be a good product for someone who has frequent bladder leakage, but I can't imagine wearing this all day just in case. It was bulky and uncomfortable. To be fair, I don't believe I am a good candidate for this kind of product as I don't care for tampons. I wish I had known more about the product before I agreed to try it.

It was uncomfortable for me. It may work for some.

I went into this open-minded in hopes that I might find a better alternative to bulky pads. Unfortunately after several attempts, I found that besides being awkward, these were not comfortable for me. Although it may be great for someone else, I do not believe this will be a product I ever choose to purchase.

It takes some to get use to it. I found it uncomfortable. It just wasn't for me. I was excited to try this but I was disappointed. Pads are more comfortable. I was given as ample from she speaks & I won't be buying it.