Rubbermaid Stackable Food Canisters

Rubbermaid Stackable Food Canisters

              Rated #8 in Kitchen & Cooking
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171 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
95% Recommended
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These containers are a great wedding gift. People want to buy fun things , but a lot of the time, no one thinks about practical things. I usually give these containers with a gift certificate to the grocery store, with a note about enjoying their dinners and leftovers forever together.

these containers are super. if you ever had what we call cubbard bugs you can appreciate any handy containers.a whole box of cereal is now protected from any insects. really love the way that they stack. they are so easy to see what is inside,especially for the kids.

Love the stackables. It saves me a lot of space.

Love saving space with stackabes, but I've been leaning more towards glass containers instead of plastics.

We use containers for everything from packing lunches for field trips, to packing my husbands lunch for work, to putting away left overs. These containers work really great and you can get coupons for them from time to time. I have tried other brands where the lid didn't quite fit right or you couldn't seal it easily, but these work great and you can get then at a great price. Went to the Dollar Tree a week ago and they had two pack bowls of these for $1!!!

Love the stackables. It saves me a lot of space.

I bought these around the holidays just to have extra containers. They ended up being my favorites. They take up less cabinet space and come in a very wide range of sizes

I have not tried this product yet, but the reviews are making me realize that I need them for my kitchen!1

These are so nice, work so well, and are so much more affordable than tupperware. I use them all the time.

These work great!

Love, love, love these little guys! So handy and great space savers!

Finally, a way to make my cupboards less clutterful and more organized! A great way to stack and store my pasta's, cereals, and snackable items. Keeps the foods fresh,and my cupboards organized!

Kiss Kitchen Clutter Goodbye! I have saved so much precious kitchen space by buying these on a whim! I literally put my other containers in a big bag and donated them to a few of the college girls I know! I don't have to worry about spillage, loosing lids, cracking, breaking or getting gross in the dishwasher! These are so handy, heavy-duty and a resonable!

I have heard of these but never tried them! I have heard a lot of great things about them as well.

I love these. They're easy to store when empty and take up less room in my already packed cabinets!