Schick Quattro for Women Razor

Schick Quattro for Women Razor

              Rated #23 in Shaving & Hair Removal
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163 Reviews 3.9/5 stars
74% Recommended
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This product was something that I received as a gift, and it was one of the worst razors I had ever used. The handle was nice, easy to hold, and the razor was easy to maneuver. The blades, however, didn't shave very close. I have very fine hair on my legs, and this razor left horrible stubble. It was no where near what I even received from disposable razors. It took three passes for me to even get it down to just stubble, and the blades clogged very easily. I wouldn't recommend this to a friend, though I will add that razors depend on the hair, and technique.

It was smooth finish but the blades rusted quickly. Not durable.

I Loved this razor. It work well and left my legs smooth and soft. I wish the cartridges weren't so expensive though!

This razor is a little expensive to me but it worked really nice to my skin, I wish it was cheaper.

This razor is a little expensive to me but it worked really nice to my skin, I wish it was cheaper.

I did not care for these razors I am deffinately a venus girl!

Don't like these razors, tried them and my opinio they don't work so well. I agree, this razor is to costly.

I bought this razor because I heard from so many women that is was GREAT! I wasn't impressed. I still keep it on hand & buy the razors when I have a coupon for them, otherwise I wouldn't buy them.

This one didn't work either like the blade was dull from out of the box

I'm always on the search for a good razor because I get razor burn easily. This was no better than any other razor I've tried the blades dull quickly and it is hard to clean.

This razor is ok, it just seems to dull quickly

Not a fan of this razor. Out of the package it felt dull and did not give me a close enough shave.

I love these razors but they cost so much

Over priced, just to be having your hair grow back faster and thicker. I am biased. I use waxing and or epilating. It hurts at first but the pain decreases each time. Not to mention, the hair takes forever to grow back and you also see thinner weaker hairs. Wanna save money and go a couple weeks to a month without having to worry about being prickly? Switch to waxing.

I feel like I never get a close enough shave with this razor