Schick Quattro for Women Razor

Schick Quattro for Women Razor

              Rated #23 in Shaving & Hair Removal
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163 Reviews 3.9/5 stars
74% Recommended
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This just left me with razor burn and dry skin. Hated it.

Cuts my legs and leaves me with razor burn

Don't care for them to much.They get the hair off but just like so many razors the hair gets stuck in between the blades and makes it hard to clean and continue to shave.It would be nice if they made it were the hair wouldn't get stuck between the blades and rinsed easily so I don't have to sit the trying for five minutes or more just trying to remove the hair so I can make another swipe.

Not a fan of this razor. Its difficult to hold making it too easy to slip and cause a cut.

Not a fan.. i have bought this razor twice and each time I shaved I felt I wasn't getting a close shave like I would like. The plus to this product is there's always coupons which makes me want to buy it. But after buying it twice it's really not worth it.

I can not stand these razors!! What a rip-off!! There are little wires wrapped around the blades (supposedly so you don't cut yourself). I found the wires to scratch and worst of all, they kept the razor from giving a close shave. After I spent a half hour going over and over areas trying to get nice smooth legs I got out of the shower and felt as if I hadn't shaved in days. It was terrible!! These may be good for a 12 years old girl who is just learning to shave and needs the wires as a 5 year old need training wheels. For a grown woman looking to have soft, silky legs.....Nope!!

I'm not a fan of these I always seem to cut myself or end up with razor bumps when o use these

Just not worth it! The blades in this razor are a complete waste of money! If you enjoy changing the blades after every shave this is the product for you! Women's razors never seem to last as long as men and they are usually double the cost, especially when you need to buy the refill blades.

Ouch These cartridges are way to expensive and make my skin break out like crazy.

Not the product for me I hated these razors. They were horrible right out of the box. I got major razor burn under my arms even with shaving cream. Total waste of money and will never purchase again

I did not care for these razors I am deffinately a venus girl!

Don't like these razors, tried them and my opinio they don't work so well. I agree, this razor is to costly.

I bought this razor because I heard from so many women that is was GREAT! I wasn't impressed. I still keep it on hand & buy the razors when I have a coupon for them, otherwise I wouldn't buy them.

This one didn't work either like the blade was dull from out of the box

I'm always on the search for a good razor because I get razor burn easily. This was no better than any other razor I've tried the blades dull quickly and it is hard to clean.