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Eating out with friends? How do you pay the bill? Tell us to win $25!
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on Sep 12, 2018 (Read 32740 times | Comments: 258)
When you eat out with friends, do you split the bill evenly, contribute just what you ate, or take turns paying? Do you use Venmo, PayPal, credit cards, cash or something else? How has this changed since mobile payments became commonplace? Tell us your favorite bill-paying strategies and you'll be entered to win $25 toward your next meal (paid how you want to spend it: Venmo, PayPal, or Amazon gift card!) Enter through September 30, 2018. Winner will be randomly selected and must be a U.S. resident at least 18 years of age.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

We usually pay for what we ate, and use debit card or cash!

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

It really depends on the friend/group I'm with. There are a couple of BFFs that it's understood whoever happens to be flush at the time will grab the check and the other will graciously concede. There are some groups who order lots of cocktails and expensive items (I'm not much of a drinker, plus a single mom with a disabled kid) where I prefer to have separate checks - also that allows me to leave a bigger tip for my server. If someone at the table grabs the check, I always offer to pay my share but if they wave it off then I just say thank you & give 'em a hug. I have some friends who would never DREAM of using coupons at a restaurant and some that use coupons/apps because that's the only way they get to go out to dinner for a splurge. There's no one way, no right way, no wrong way. The important thing is that everyone communicates so there's no misunderstandings or hurt feelings or resentment.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

If we eat family style, we usually just split the bill evenly onto 2 credit cards. If I go out with a lot of people and we each get our own individual meal, usually one person will pay and then everyone either venmo or paypals the money over to the person who paid.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

We usually just split it evenly and pay with CC or cash to the restaurant. It's too petty to count every penny and it will balance out when you out with the same people and are always splitting the bill anyway.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

Usually everyone pays for what they ordered.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

We ask for separate bills or split the bill with CCs and cash.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

Usually separate checks, it's much easier.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

We use Venmo to split the check, sometimes PayPal and at times we use cash between us to split the check.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

We always let the server know at the beginning that it will be separate checks and order each ticket together. But, last weekend we were required to have one ticket so I just PayPal my portion to the host.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

It varies depending on the group I am with. But, it ranges from using multiple credit cards to using cash - occasionally asking for separate checks. Venmo would be a good option, but I am the only one using it out of the groups I typically dine with.
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