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What's your #SheSpeaksChallenge?
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on Jan 09, 2017 (Read 171812 times | Comments: 136)
What's something you would like to personally accomplish? At SheSpeaks, we have put ourselves to the test, trying out a variety of challenges. What's a goal you are trying to reach? How's it going?

Join us and you could be one of five winners to each get an Amazon Echo Dot! Check out the info here: bit.ly/2j0FXD3

on Feb 08, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am working out with my family. We find an activity that we can do together at my work gym and try a different activity every weekend. We have done badminton, basketball, ping pong, rowing, and its been a blast so far!

on Feb 08, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

One big part of my goals this year is getting into good routines with my little girl. Her dad left suddenly, three days before Christmas 2015. Then all 2016 was spent dealing with a newly diagnosed life changing chronic illness. We're just getting back on our feet, together. She's six, in first grade, and the changes have been really hard on her. So, we made checklists for morning and nighttime routines, chore charts, keep a big white board calendar together, meal planning, etc. Getting on track together, making a little bit more structure in our uncertain life, is a huge priority for me!

on Feb 09, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm trying to restart my life. I went through a horrible depression episode and I've been actively battling to get better for the past 3 months. I have started gratitude challenges, working out consistently, and creating boundaries to protect my mental health. I feel like I'm in a good place right now, but it's an active practice. I need to start incorporating actions to start a new job and mend my personal relationships.

on Feb 09, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

Drink more water and do Yoga.

on Feb 10, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

2017 is all about me, no exceptions! My profession is mentally and physically exhausting, so self-care, mindfulness, and compassion are what it's about for me!

on Feb 10, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I really want to run a 5K in under 20 minutes. After having two children, and being diagnosed with diastis recti (abdominal seperation) and pelvic issues from my pregnancies, it is very hard to get back in tip-top shape. This strong mama is determined to do it though. I want to be my best for my daughters.

on Feb 10, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

Megsp22 - I'm so sorry to hear about all that you have been through, but so impressed with how you are pushing through. I have a 6 year-old first grader too, and I've realized that he really thrives on structure. There are always random distractions, but the more I keep to a schedule, the better he does, and then the easier my life is. So good for you - it's a great challenge. All the best!

on Feb 10, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

Megsp22 I will keep you and your daughter in my prayers. Sometimes its the small things we are more grateful for! Sounds like your going on and giving her consistency, thats wonderful. All the best to you. As far as my challenges go it has gone well and even though this us at a close I will continue mine. My opinion is that 28 days is enough to see a difference and a good start to good habits!!

on Feb 11, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I went to the gym 4 times this week, sometimes I don't want to do it but I feel great

on Feb 13, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

went to the gym and lifted weights
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