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Child with Adhd
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on Sep 12, 2012 (Read 10763 times | Comments: 21)
My 4.5 year old son has been disgnosed with ADHD. I have ADD myself. But his temper is out of control. He throws fits, screams, hits, spits, and talks back. He won't sit down to eat and is constantly running and jumping. When we try to get thim to sit down and do something he gets angry and yells and just refuses to even try.He has already been kicked out of 2 daycares for his behavior. I know he is only 4, but with a 2 year old, a 3 month old, 2 step-kids, and pregnant again, i just don't know how to deal with him. I've tried spanking, but that maakes it worse. Time out is out of the question, since he won't sit still. I love my son, and i just want to find ways to make it easier on him and me. Any suggestions?

on Oct 30, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would take him to a special doctor. I have a son with adhd and autism. 'we started early intervention at age 3. He has been in a special school since age k. This is his first year in a public school and he is 9.. We tried all of the above with him as well and felt we were failing Weaparents. We learned that you cannot discipline this child the same as a non disability child. He now takes medication and it is very helpful. We have also adjusted his diet, he cannot have food dye of any kind. Nutrition plays a major role with children like this. Also he cannot help the way he is. I would get counseling and meds have you had him tested for anything else, my child used to have angry outbursts as well, He also has speech issues, his teachers told me his frustation was due to an inability to communicate. Have him tested for everything. I would not spank him or even due time outs, this will just cause more frustration and anger. Remember his behavior is not his fault.

on Oct 30, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would also like to say I know this is really hard for you. Hang in there it does get better!!! Stay strong and be encouraged. If you need anymore advice I would be happy to share with you anything I can, just let me know. God bless you and good luck with the new baby!

on Oct 30, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Love love this I am going to try this, I believe it is all diet related, my son has adhd and autism, same exact situation. Good advice!!!

on Aug 19, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Make that little boys that on his hands for over five minutes sit still and if he doesn't sit still just constantly get on to him don't say anything to him just keep putting them back in the spot spanking does not solve anything if they hit you back

on Aug 20, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have to agree with the others in regards to their diet. My son used to be a handful until I changed his diet. Fresh fruits, veggies, lots of protein... no dyes, preservatives, and limited sugar intake. Surprising how much it has helped!

on Aug 20, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hello, i am 18 and i have had ADHD since i was very young. i must say that there is medication and treatment for it, but i never liked it. iv been taking medication since i was 7. if u do get your child on medication, u have to watch what the doctor give them. a doctor i went to before had me so drugged up that it was actually making it worse. now i am only on 2 drugs. one for my ADHD and one for my mood swings. all i can say is be very patient. i have an older brother that never really played with me. kinda just shunned me out. my mom put me in the big brother big sister program, idk if they have one of those near you, but i have now made a new friends for life. even if she is the same age as my mom, she was nice to talk to and we played games, it really calmed me down. i guess the advise i give u on your child is just be patient and in time the kid will grow up to be a very fine adult.

on Aug 25, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

my son is 5 and he has been on Adderall 5mg since he was 4 and a half. he is also on intuniv 1mg works like a miracle

on Aug 25, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

also I have taken him to a developmental pediatrician and a child psychologist

on Oct 31, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

might sound harsh but i have a 4.5 yr old daughter with adhd and her behavioral specialist said the best way to break these behaviors is to literally bear hug her when she starts to get out of control until she calms down. he told me the first two days might take holding her down for 2 hours but it was the only way to get through to her. by day 4 she started sitting in time out with no problem. she didnt want to be held down. ALSO have you talked to your doc about medicating? we have recently put her on the lowest dose (5mg) adderall..... 2.5 mg in a.m. 2.5 mg in afternoon and it has made a TREMENDOUS difference. she is actually sitting still at school and listening and learning instead of running around 24/7 but when she was evaluated her attention span was only 20-30 seconds....medication isnt for everyone and is a hard decision but definately something to think about :/

on Sep 29, 2019 Quote  »     Reply  »

Calms Forte is a natural supplement that has helped a lot with my sons adhd. I didn?t want to put him on adhd medicines because of the side effects so I asked other moms for suggestions and they recommended the Calms Forte so I tried it and it really works well with my son. It?s natural so there are no side effects & will not hurt your child. I also don?t want my son to become addicted to adhd medicines and him having to be on them most of his life so this is definitely a better option for my child. I would recommend trying it first.
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