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How did you meet your other half?
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on Apr 29, 2012 (Read 30520 times | Comments: 40)
So many threads are focused on not-so-positive things that I thought, "Why don't we share some happy memories?!" Let's remember that no matter what's going on right now, we've got at least one memory that might make us smile. I met my husband in 1995 at a local fish hatchery where my Agriculture class had gone for the week. My job was to cut off fish heads after measuring them and his job was to hand me fish. Very romantic, right? We were both soaked, I was covered in fish guck.. but he had the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen. At break he walked over to his big black 70's Chevy pickup and that was it for me, I was SOLD! After many a break, bump & bruise, we got married at that same fish hatchery 7 months ago in the same spot that we shared our first kiss... by the same man that scolded us for having that kiss!! <3 Make someone smile and share your story! You never know whose life you'll impact with your words. -Namaste-

on Jul 26, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

That is absolutely adorable. I met my husband last year, Got married this year. :) but I think everyone has there up and downs in relationships. I know we do but we are keeping it strong fights for us always turn into kisses. we have a 6 month crawling and trying to stand cute huh? too advanced for his age. But he is my big boy.. It can't be that bad fish is yucky though I can't stand the smell. Your one brave woman

on Jul 27, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am from CA and my husband is from NJ. We met in 1995, in Crowley, TX. We both showed up at a Bible school and we met on the first day of registration. He was standing a person behind me. I arrived first and he later as I walked to my car after registering and he walked out behind me and our cars were parked side by side. From that moment on we ended up living in the same apartment complex, with the same friends, and going to the same church. We were married August 31, 1996, a year later. Almost to the day of meeting and not planned that way. It will be 16 yrs and 3 boys later. Yes, we've had more than our share of downs, but the ups are what keep us going. Never to leave a legacy of divorce to our children.

on Oct 30, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my current boyfriend at a volunteering event. I was dragged to the event by my friends who wanted me to volunteer with them. It was me, my two other girlfriends and him. He was the only guy there in the kitchen! We were supposed to cook cornbread and prepare potatoes and onions for a fundraising event. He was very sweet and wouldn't let me cut the onions! He hit me up on facebook afterwards. I was very surprised because we both did not talk much. We started talking in class and online after that.

on Oct 30, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my boyfriend at work 12 years ago. We worked opposite shifts and would just see each other in passing. One day he worked up the nerve to talk to me and we have been together ever since

on Nov 07, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

My husband and I met in school but started dating 8yrs ago. Met up again while my ex and I where on a downfall and our daughter who was 2 at the time was hospitalized with pnumonia. My ex- didnt want to redo boot camp so he denied coming back to see that our daughter was ok. My current husband was a great friend to lean on at the time but my ex showed me by his actions toward the situation that the military was more important than seeing her one last time if she would have passed away. Today we are still going strong, he's been my daughters and my rock. We also have a 3 yr old son. Daughter is 11 yrs old

on Nov 27, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my fiance almost 4 years ago. We were both living in Maryland; he was in the military and I was teaching. We actually met at the mall. Every since that day we were inseparable, until he lost his job and had to move out of state. I am still looking for a job where he is but the past few months have been tough, but we are working through it and are actually closer than ever.

on Dec 03, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my husband a year and a half ago officially. We have quite a few mutual friends and had danced together several times throughout the years. We met on a daring site and talked for about a month before we decided to meet. We both knew within the first two dates that we were meant for each other :) I am definitely an advocate for online dating

on Dec 28, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my significant other at work. I had heard from a mutual friend that he went by the nickname Bobo (which I did think was strange, but I was very interested), so one day I walked up to him and said, "Hey Bobo! How you doin?". He looked at me like I was crazy, so I just laughed it off and walked away. Later we talked and he told me that his nickname was Bebo... He's Puerto Rican, and that's what his family has called him since he was young. It basically means "little guy" or "baby boy". It was so awkward, but ever since we've been inseparable. ;]

on Feb 02, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my husband more than seven years ago in Home Depot in the plant department. We exchanged phone numbers and saw each other soon after that. We discovered that we have many likes that are similar and just started doing things together.

on Feb 20, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my hubby at high school auto class-I hated that class with my life but it was all worth it when I realized he sat 2 seats in front of my desk. We got married a few weeks after we were dating (we were only 15+16 at the time) but 5 years and 1 month later we still love each other more and more everyday. I will still married to him forever, I just know it :)
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