How casual have you been dressing these days?


Very casual. Sweats, pjs... anything comfortable (47.6%)

Somewhat casual, but still making a little effort (33.3%)

Not very casual. I'm wearing my regular clothes every day (0.0%)

Depends on the day (19.1%)

How casual have you been dressing these days?
  • Jana_Stew By Jana_Stew
    on Apr 06, 2020  

    Super casual here latley. Just me and the two boys during quarantine!

  • warrent23 By warrent23
    on Apr 07, 2020  

    I have been getting depressed and also anxiety alot lately. I have found if you start doing an everyday routine make your bed,take a shower,dress in regular clothes it starts to make you feel better then just lounging in you pjs all day long.