Saying Goodbye to "That Time of the Month?

   By drodriguez  Sep 14, 2008

Next month the Food and Drug Administration is expected to approve a new birth control pill that eliminates the period year round as long as it is taken daily. People in the health profession as well as consumers have begun to debate over whether this new pill should be approved.

The issue has even motivated one woman, Giovanna Chesler, to film a documentary concerning menstrual suppression called “Period: The End of Menstruation?” The issues currently being discussed are the unknown long-term effects of this pill as well as the idea that eliminating this natural human function seems wrong somehow.

A New York Times article reports that the company intending to put Lybrel on the market has done studies indicating that almost 2 out of 3 women they spoke with showed interest in eliminating their menstrual cycle. The professor who conducted these studies, Linda C. Andrist explains that women in this day and age are “too busy” for their periods.

One other issue that has been brought up is the idea that a woman’s natural period can alert women to underlying health problems by becoming irregular. If a woman takes a pill that does away with her period she is also giving up this natural warning system making it more difficult to treat or detect problems early on.

On the upside, this new pill is expected to make life a lot more manageable for the many women who suffer from extreme physical and mental stress during their monthly cycles.

Would you as a woman and consumer consider taking Lybrel to eliminate your period? 

Do you think your monthly cycle is an important part of being a woman or do you feel it’s an unnecessary inconvenience?

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CyberLady by CyberLady | PHILADELPHIA, PA
May 09, 2007

"I think the natural order of our bodies should not be disturbed".

ITA with that. I don't think I'd be willing to try this type of birth control. I think it needs more research.

cocoasmommy by cocoasmommy | Philadelphia, PA
May 09, 2007

I am extremely concerned about the long term effects the pill will have on women. I think more research should be done on how this pill may affect women that may decide later to bear children and the potential for birth defects or other abnormalities.

momisme126 by momisme126 | Maple Shade, NJ
May 09, 2007

I think the natural order of our bodies should not be disturbed. For thos women who suffer during their period seeing a doctor and reading up on natural remedies is the first place they should start, there is help if you search for it. I am past those years and now going through menopause, I wouldn't rush my body to get here it can be more trying than having your period once a month.

lola_michele by lola_michele | columbia, TN
May 08, 2007

I would really be afraid of the long term effects this could have. I also agree that it is something our bodies need to cleans and renew themselves and we should just deal.

carlenlea by carlenlea | Washington, DC
May 07, 2007

The reality is that period women have when they are on the pill is biologically unimportant. Back in the 1960s when the pill was first developed they thought it would freak women out too much to not have their periods. But since the body's cycle is being controlled by chemicals there's no egg to be removed at the end of the cycle.

It's just a simulation of the natural cycle, so why bother.

LadyGodley by LadyGodley | Graham, NC
May 03, 2007

I believe that if you take BC pills for the purpose they were designed it is fine (that of preventing pregnancy). However, I also believe that it is best to allow the body to go through it's monthly cycles. We were designed that way by our creator.

quitegirl by quitegirl | Smithland, KY
May 02, 2007

quitegirl says: Yes I understand not wanting a period anymore.But I would be afraid to stop it with the new pill until I new all the side affects of it. As far as my self no I would not take the new pill.

Awiii83 by Awiii83 | BEAR, DE
May 01, 2007

Women are supposed to menstruate. It makes me very nervous when this process is stopped entirely. The unknown long term side effects also make me stray away from it, and who knows what changes the body will make while adapting to this drug. There are pills like the one I am on that lighten my cycle drastically and while menstruation can be a pain it is extremely manageable.

dacus2472 by dacus2472 | Garland, TX
Apr 29, 2007

I would love never to have a period again, and taking a pill daily for that wouldn't bother me a bit. However, I think we get our periods every month for a reason and would really question if it is safe to take a drug to stop it.

boopy63fl by boopy63fl | Melbourne, FL
Apr 29, 2007

I must say having your period is a pain in the neck, however us women get these periods for a reason. I think it would be very unhealthy to stop them completely. It also keeps us informed of many health problems we could have. I believe most Doctors will not recommend this.

daddysgotaharem by daddysgotaharem | youngstown, OH
Apr 28, 2007

While I agree that it is tempting to end mensus, I can't believe that it is really good for us. I understand the need to "pause" ones cycle for a while, but I am not even sure that is healthy. No one would love to go without more than me, but like so many other things I am unsure that the long term effects have really been examined.

Apr 28, 2007


RedVelvetRabbit by RedVelvetRabbit | Dunmore, PA
Apr 28, 2007

I like the idea of halting my menstrual cycle. I've been on the depo shot for about 3 years now. It hasn't stopped my perods completely, but made them much less frequent and shorter. My last shot will be my LAST shot, as it does have a tendancy to deplete bone density when used for too long. I'm in the market for a new form of birth control, and would like something else that can limit menstuation, but I don't like the idea of having to take a pill everyday. I'm pretty forgetful, and without a period every now and then, (it was every three months on the shot), how will I know it's actually working? I sort of wish there was a once a month pill that had the same results. On the other hand, I know quite a bit of women who experience pretty debilitating mentrual problems who are definately waiting for this pill to come out. For me, conveinience is key so I think I'm going to start using the ring. I may get my period, but I won't have to worry about remembering a pill everyday.

erica_cal by erica_cal | Scotts Valley, CA
Apr 27, 2007

This pill sounds nice, but I am tired of companies making everything that is feminine a disease. I think this will only happen with significantly more women in leadership roles at top companies.

sgillar by sgillar | Austin, TX
Apr 26, 2007

I'd consider taking this drug. Having a period is a pain. Though I do like being a woman and having special 'powers' I think that it could be intriguing to not have them anymore. I am not so intrigued by having to take a drug everyday to have that happen, though. And I would definitely want to know more about long-term effects before committing to this. Lastly, I'm not sure what issues women could be alerted to by the showing of their period, other than not being pregnant. If you are pregnant, a few days or weeks wouldn't make that big of a difference, and there are other ways to tell if you're pregnant. Not sure what other problems could give you a warning by affecting your period.