A First For Women Republicans In Washington

   By drodriguez  Sep 03, 2008

A few days ago Senator John McCain did something no other Republican presidential nominee has ever done before in the history of the party:  he chose a woman as his vice presidential running mate.  The news of Governor Sarah Palin’s nomination surprised many people following the campaign around the country.  Now, everyone knows the name Sarah Palin and everyone wants to know just who she is.


After a quick look at Sarah Palin’s resume one thing is clear: she has become accustomed to breaking barriers throughout her short career.  In 2006 at the age of 42, Palin became Alaska’s first woman governor as well as the youngest governor in Alaskan history.  She was also the first governor to have her inauguration ceremony outside of Juneau as she chose to have it held in Fairbanks instead. 


A look into her personal life and history reveals a personality that we don’t think of when we think of politics as usual in Washington.  From former beauty queen runner up to a seasoned moose hunter to mother of five, Palin does not easily fit into any mold.  Her political career began 16 years ago when she joined her local city council.  And from there, she later became mayor of a small town called Wasilla. 


Her lack of experience in the political arena is an issue for some who wonder if she is ready to handle a vice presidency.  But others are more optimistic.  June Radintz, a retired nurse and Republican, commented to the Boston Globe regarding Palin’s nomination, “If she is what she says she is, it’d be wonderful.  It sounds like she doesn’t go with the flow.  I’m tired of the same old rhetoric.  She’s refreshing.”


As news pours into the media regarding Gov. Palin’s political history, we are also hearing quite a bit about her family and personal life.  MSNBC recently reported about a statement made by the campaign informing the public that Sarah Palin’s 17-year-old daughter is currently 5 months pregnant and planning to marry the baby’s father.  Aides from the campaign said that making the pregnancy public was aimed at quelling internet rumors that Sarah Palin’s infant son is actually her daughter’s. 


What do you think of Sen. John McCain choosing Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate?


Will this change the way you vote come November?

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doritaj by doritaj | Talladega, AL
Sep 17, 2008

I am so excited about this campaign, since it sounds like we are really going to have a wonderful President with chance of having a leader like John McCain and Palin for our future. I believe in both of them and what they stand for. I feel like the press is not being very fair to their campaign and the way Barbara Walters handled herself on the view with McCain was a disgrace. I hope we can provide enough support and VOTES to get their team to the White House.

drjen75 by drjen75 | TUCSON, AZ
Sep 17, 2008

I am excited to view the debates and hear some actual discussion on real issues. When all the "celebrity" wears off and the media feeding frenzy to dig up information that sells papers and makes for sensationalized news stories goes away, the proper candidate will shine. By the way, I'm not voting for Obama because I'm not ashamed of being half-white(he's actually more Arab not black people), I put my hand over my heart for the national anthem and I don't believe our government owes you a living through taxing everyone else!

roeathome03 by roeathome03 | e patchogue, NY
Sep 15, 2008

smart move on mc cains part, but can it be pulled off, we are facing changes in our government, and it doesnt suit everyone, the young are agressively looking for no war, a future america that will be an affordable place to live with protection from our security system and medical certainty...a first woman as vice-president or first black president, think about it-CHANGE. No one wants war, lost lives of our young being mammed from combat...the young voters want a peaceful future, OBAMA. It is wonderful to think a woman cold achieve such a position but I do not think it will come about. WAR< WOMAN and POLITICS dont mix...I dont know who I am voting for, I have alot more to read, listen to and interrupt for myself...I will choose what i feel will help my country continue to thrive as a great power...

Raq724k by Raq724k | Eau Claire, WI
Sep 14, 2008

I would not vote for McCain no matter who he picked!

haveitoldyoulately by haveitoldyoulately | BROOKLYN, NY
Sep 14, 2008

**posted this in another forum, thought it interesting enough do the same here.

Palin may have broken barriers throughout her career for herself..but the more I learn, the less I see her breaking barriers for other women. In 2000 Alaska lawmakers learned that during Palin's time as Mayor, women rape victims had to pay for an evidence-gathering test. If the victim had insurance, the insurance company was billed anywhere from $500 to $1,200...if not the victim was billed. When asked about this (when she became governor) Palin stated, she does not believe, nor has she ever believed, that rape victims should have to pay for an evidence-gathering test. To suggest otherwise is a deliberate misrepresentation of her commitment to supporting victims and bringing violent criminals to justice. The lawmakers were correct in their findings offering the Wasilla City budget document (available online). MAYOR: Sarah Palin

Congress in 2005 passed a law requiring states to provide rape exams free of charge or reimburse victims for the costs. Stating there are no other victims of crime that end up being billed for evidence collection, why should rape victims. The Senate version of the legislation that included the rape-exam provision was sponsored by Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, and Barack Obama were two of 58 co-sponsors. John McCain was not a sponsor.

MBattistella by MBattistella | Mooresville, NC
Sep 14, 2008

Ugh! Plus, just so everyone knows how "respectful" McCain is to women, why don't you all see what and how he treated his first wife when he got back from Vietnam! He divorced her after 20 years of marriage because she got into a car accident--she had gained weight and looked different. He then had an affair with Cindy Hensley--his now wife--and divorced his wife. A month later he married Cindy.

What kind of family values are these! How is someone who can easily turn on his wife of twenty years to have an affair respectful of women?

Or Sarah Palin and her pregnant 17 year old daughter--yes mistakes happen, but because of your own career ambitions, your family comes second? I have a nine month old and a 2.5 year old. I quit my job to stay home with my kids (my own choice of course, I have plenty of friends who are fantastic moms and have their children in daycare) but! Her 5 month old baby is a child with down-syndrome! A special needs little baby--how much time is she spending with this baby and her pregnant 17 year old daughter. Looking at her, even if she wasn't a vp pick, I would think, that person has quite a load of responsibility--yet you would decide to go for VICE PRESIDENT?? What time is she going to have with her family--to care for her daughter and her baby...I think it's so sad.

MBattistella by MBattistella | Mooresville, NC
Sep 14, 2008

I hope everyone saw the ABC interview where Charlie Gibson asked her about the "Bush Docterine." Come on! You are a Republican Governor--someone that has been a PART of Politics. You are a Politician--you don't know something as important to your party as the Bush Docterine? Was anyone else scared of this...McCain does not have any REAL foreign policy experience, Palin has never even MET with any foreign leaders. We are in a war and we would actually these people?

Beaniesmom by Beaniesmom | Brandon, FL
Sep 13, 2008

McCain and Obama will do and say whatever it takes to get you to vote for them. And in the end, if they don't get support from Congress, they can't do anything. As usual, it is going to be a case of voting "against" someone, rather than "for" them.

amyrogers by amyrogers | East Tawas, MI
Sep 13, 2008

Sara Palin earned my respect when she stated in her interview with Charles Gibson that we don't all have to agree on each issue and should respect those differences and each others right to have them. It is refreshing to see a woman on the repbulican side of politics come on to the scene and offer a new voice and perspective. If you were voting for Hillary you should look at McCain/Palin as well as Obama and make up your own mind. My big problem with Obama is that he often comes across as arrogant, especially concerning his selection of VP, he dismissed Hillary without seriously considering her. McCain really opened his campaign up with this choice, showing his respect for a female perspective. As McCain said on The View, his administration will be inclusive of all point of view with members of both political parties.

azimm333 by azimm333 | Lansing, MI
Sep 13, 2008

I think McCain ONLY picked Palin because of the Hillary issue. He seems to be looking for a vote at all cost. I never would have voted for McCain before he picked Sarah Palin and NEVER would now. I am excited to see her in a debate with Joe Biden. I think it will get very interesting. I am not impressed with her at all.

haveitoldyoulately by haveitoldyoulately | BROOKLYN, NY
Sep 13, 2008

Smart or a ploy? I have to question McCain's choice. He seems to have put his political interests ahead of America's interest. The more (or less) I learn about Palin, the more I feel insulted to think McCain is throwing us a bone...in exchange for a vote. This is "The Bridge To Nowhere" for women.

Waiting with anticipation for the debates.

dalejrgrrl88 by dalejrgrrl88 | Drexel Hill, PA
Sep 12, 2008

I am with most of the woman here and was going to vote for McCain from the start and still am.

stronghurstgirl1957 by stronghurstgirl1957 | GAINESVILLE, FL
Sep 10, 2008

I think McCain selected Palin to get the womens vote. I am not impressed with her after hearing about the Library situation.

mandyspeaking by mandyspeaking | MILFORD, PA
Sep 10, 2008

I was voting for McCain to start with, I really like his choice for VP.

sandyalip by sandyalip | Little Falls, NJ
Sep 10, 2008

As a Hillary supporter, I am insulted by McCain's choice. I backed Hillary because I thought she was the best for the job, not because she was a woman. God forbid if something were to happen to McCain, a dog sled rider would be President of the greatest nation on earth. That's pretty scary. If you listen to what she says, you'll find she either borrows someone else's words or lies.

I want this war to end. How could she be so religious and still think this war is right? She's a farce.

I want alternative energy resources so we are not dependent on foreign oil, or have to fight these wars and so we can have a more cleaner earth. Gore won the nobel prize not because he was a democrat but because he was right. He's right now. I'm backing Obama.