AI That Can Detect When A User Is About To Throw Some Shade On Instagram

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Dec 26, 2019

Next time someone tries to write a salty comment on your social media, there may be Instagram AI in place to try and stop them. Instagram has begun rolling out some anti-bullying tech that can detect comments that may come off as offensive and alert the user before posting the questionable remark.

ABC News reports about Instagram’s anti-bullying artificial intelligence software they are now introducing as a way to reduce bullying on the site. The new AI was developed with the help of suicide prevention programs and gives users a chance to think about their words and how they may affect others before pressing send. Social media often allows people to act on impulse and hide behind phones and computer screens, but Instagram is hoping their new AI will give people that extra little reminder that they may be doing more damage than they realize with their words.

Smith College professor and best-selling author, Rachel Simmons, knows firsthand from students what social media bullying can do to a person on the receiving end. Simmons says, “When you are being cyberbullied, it follows you 24 hours a day. It's public and everyone can see it. And so that can really make a kid afraid to go to school. It can disrupt their sleep. It can make them feel like there's nowhere they can be where the bullying won't be.” Simmons believes Instagram is taking a step in the right direction and hopes other platforms follow suit. She explains, “This is a great step in the right direction. We want to see social media platforms like Instagram stopping bullies before they start.”

What do you think of Instagrams new anti-bullying AI that can detect possibly offensive comments?

Do you think other social media platforms should consider employing strategies like this one to reduce cyber cullying?

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